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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. I think this photo sums up my irritation
  2. Thought you might find this interesting, idk if it's just James or that trio you like but found an image of Jessie that looks really cool and Dustox




    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. J-Awesome_One


      😍 That little Arbok will be a beast under my command!

    3. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      Mythicals have to be obtained by special events outside of game or by obtaining special specific items by event outside of the game. Mew has been a mythical since the first game


      Legendary Pokemon can be obtained in normal game play they also have slightly higher stats

    4. SilverAngelus


      Starry is a Mythical Pokemon.

  3. Happy birthday Draco, hope it was filled with lots of fun. Good luck with hunting your dragons

  4. I have no idea, I can try to do so. Do you have Spotify yourself if so can you link me your profile I can try to add you as a contributor to see if this rectifys it It seems like it has something to do with IP adresses. the BMG file in Audio in reborn contains the music you could copy and paste them into your own playlist area and make a playlist of of them from there
  5. Nope I'm good Have a good day/night
  6. I will help you for free Or I can direct you to a link stone if you want?
  7. No problem and thank you, I'm always looking for Heart Scales and Focus Sashes
  8. Enjoy and have a good day/night Will you need either of them back?
  9. I can help you though I have a few azurill already breed I can give it one of the fossils instead?
  10. yep or even just set the weather and wait 6h but check the TV to see forecast to see if its supoosed to be clear for like 3 days or something like that cause depending on what the forecast says it might not change
  11. It should reset after specifying it, the only way to really tell is watch Gossip Gardevoir, and see if weather should change, weather changes potentially every 6h. by setting it as a certain weather and waiting the weather out it should tell you if it broke fully or not. Anther thing you can do is go to anther geographical region like Argate city then pop back to reborn city or wherever you are.....
  12. try specifying the weather with the mod pack Also try walking in and out of a building and see if same weather
  13. Set encounter at beginning of the game. You cannot change who you get from events only what the IVs and egg moves are except eggs I believe then the IVs and Egg moves are set?
  14. We have the no items in battle as a mod in swm mod pack
  15. Ah Would do now but have to leave for work. Good luck with your endeavors
  16. Quoting is cheating I still want Seki lol
  17. I will be on later. Probably about 9.5h if anyone active before then offers go ahead
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