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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Unfortunately I don't know when I will be on, I ended up being whisked away for a couple errands which turned into a let's go to our friends
  2. Sorry I ended up also having to do a couple things, are you available tomorrow?
  3. I can do Litten, rowlet, froakie right now then I have everything the others are on my main breeding file
  4. What is your user? I will request
  5. Starter Hunt: Bulbasaur Charmander Chikorita Treecko Torchic Turtwig Chimchar Snivy Froakie Rowlet Litten Will evolved forms work as well?
  6. I have a low level on you can have believe level 1 Do you have a preference on ability if not I have a level 1 perfect IVs with speed up and defence down nature also has fake tears, wish and Yawn as moves currently
  7. If u need any help let me know, can leave as eggs as well
  8. Happy birthday

  9. Having a fire with friend they decided to roast marshmallows and cherry licorice then put them on gram crackers apparently it tastes good then one put chocolate apparently ridiculously sweet

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      It's sweet minus black licorice which has a totally different taste


      It turned out really sweet in other words

    3. Candy


      sweet sounds like my kinda thing 🍭

    4. Starry Knight
  10. https://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/24930-swm-modular-modpack-e18/ It has instruction how to install it as well
  11. It's not really possible for a legit 6IV one doing that would take forever to do since it can't breed to make other dittos it would have to be modified or created, I have the latter of one if you want one
  12. That's fine I won't be on for sometime spending a fee hours at a friend's they decided they wanted to do a fire and make smores spontaneously
  13. Just logging in if u want to wait shouldn't be too long
  14. In a couple minutes I can trade it to you or roughly 3h
  15. I can give you both, is there anything in particular you want with them like IVs and whatnot?
  16. Alright I will request then @Benja let me know when waiting
  17. I can spare you a spiritomb not sure if I have any keystones left though
  18. Happy Birthday Wolfy hope it turns/ed out great

  19. I'm fine with what you have given me, yes it's an alolian Vulpix @Larvitar22 I will wait for you to get a couple more pokemon, as in I'll be on waiting
  20. Okay I'll request need to switch games real fast Let me know when ready on waiting
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