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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. I have it on windows 10 64 bit I believe, works well enough for me, it's alot of work to dig out information and unless your doing this for multiple games I honestly wouldn't recommend it unless you wait for it to come on sale
  2. Play testing reborn through rpg maker XP
  3. Not at all, glad I could help in the end though
  4. Pokemon/Location/Levels/Rates (M,D,N) Girafarig/Grass/48-52/ 20%/20%/20% Ponyta/Grass/47-53 20%/20%/20% Deerling/Grass/46-50 10%/10%/10% Skiddo/Grass/40-50 10%/10%/10% Kecleon/Grass/46-50 10%/10%/10% Stantler/Grass/46-52 10%/10%/10% Stantler/Grass/47-52 5%/5%/5% Deerling/Grass/48-55 5%/5%/5% Kecleon/Grass/40-45 4%/4%/4% Girafarig/Grass/51-54 4%/4%/4% Furfrou/Grass/40-47 2%/2%/2%
  5. 0-30 Hm? It seems scared. Did something happen? This poor thing.... It feels so scared and alone. Please treat it nicely! 31-70 This Pokemon feels like it's lost... Take good care of it okay? 71-100 Hm... I think you need to spend some more time with this one. If you do, I'm sure it'll become a great partner 101-150 It seems like it's just starting to get comfortable with you. Definitely keep working with it! 151-200 It really seems to trust you. You've done a great job raising it! I can't wait to see how it grows! 201-250 (max happiness) Oh, wow. This is marvelous. It feels like the bond between you two is unbreakable Pokesnax give equal to a level up happiness according to Ame so it changes between 1-5 The ice creams also give friendship but other then blue moon Idk how much friendship
  6. @yuripuello4 in the future only play is for battles and trades here is for finding things yourself
  7. I have one for you Also episode 19 has quite a way to go, after this score board is done anther one will take it's place for post game content
  8. Happy Birthday hope you had a good day

    1. RedAlert


      I had a lovely day, hope you one as well 🙂

  9. Okay will gather whatever I have pre breed then grab any eggs left @Larvitar22 have them whenever your ready, home at last
  10. You can get Vulpix yourself soon they are in Ametrine city in the grass XD, o should be able to help you later still at Dad's helping work currently
  11. Edit the first post and name the title closed or done or something
  12. @RoyalFlush you have a couple offers to your delemia
  13. Out of curiosity how far in are you?
  14. Okay I will be on tomorrow at my old man's for spring cleaning don't have laptop tonight
  15. Maybe in troubleshooting, not as many mods look here
  16. @Vinnie do you have any ideas?
  17. Wrong Section, On the Hunt is specifically for locating pokemon and items you want to get yourself Online Play is where you ask for Trades
  18. Who's waiting and who's requesting that is important to figure out, usernames are not case sensitive just so your aware
  19. in your menu go to Pokegear, then online play From online play you need to create or login from there in your case will be trade whatever you use to sign into online play the username you give to the other person
  20. The gang member is still where they should be in top middle of Lapis ward by the picnic table, it was guy next the man who sold you all the pokemon so it should still be triggerable
  21. Starry Knight


    Blue moon icecream is the fastest way to get max friend ship, using one immediately brings your Pokemon to max friendship The other ice creams not so much but still give good amount of friendship
  22. No problem, have a good day/night
  23. Can you please can't seem to get your user correct keeps saying doesn't exist My user is Snorlax
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