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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Alright @LisiaImai Keeps saying user doesn't exist, do u mind if I wait my user is Snorlax
  2. When are you available to trade and what time zone are you
  3. It needs to have rainy or any other weather then clear and it first shows in Peridot alley then it's supposed to be randomized in alleyways
  4. You should be able to get Aron yourself currently just needs headbutt, in where the train is first found if you continue down and left with rock smash I believe follow it back up and left then all the way down PS 3rd gym till after city restoration where then u can find both events now wild in peridot ward grass
  5. Then post your game file with the last box in your PC free of any pokemon, we can use Shared PC mod to drop it in, but do you need all or just Loudred
  6. I can, just let me eat first Does Ralts gender matter?
  7. No problem just Loudred or do you need the others as well?
  8. @Aegisth Are you looking for items as well? Going through with rpg maker for hidden ones also for egg moves
  9. That is the problem, Because when it evolves it changes the OT to yours @seki108 or @Vanitas should be able to help you
  10. Shared PC will cut the time in half just make sure any games you have the last box in your PC is clear of any pokemon also recommend using multi select mod while doing that
  11. It's an egg move, Bulbapedia and pokemon db have a list of potential parents
  12. Happy birthday best of wishes and have some diamond snow XD

    1. Maqqy


      Thank you Starry!! You know what I think I will 😄

  13. if u need any help let me know going to go through and make note of all pokemon with egg moves, also encounter rates
  14. @Vinnie good to know Look forward to seeing completed guild, just thought you might be doing one and might have the information on all the quests
  15. I'll wait my user is Snorlax @DawsonGuny Have a good day/night
  16. Alright Let me know when your available
  17. Alright brt then sorry something came up What is your online play name?
  18. Anything particular with them or do you care if just more or less random?
  19. Let me refresh waiting screen Refreshed waiting screen @IllCaesar do you want your shiny rose back I have no desire for it...
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