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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Tried to request but all the ways I've tried all say doesn't exsist
  2. I can get you bagon of you want @Yuvi
  3. Do you need the event specific ones to complete the quest? @RoyalFlush do you still need one?
  4. Black stream factory (help Amaria after beating Shade) you have to put makuhita under ditto in the top left corner or after you beat Radimous* if you miss it there, you only get 1 ditto Episode 18 has a side quest checklist of it's own by @The Swordsman but past that I don't think so but @Vinnie might have something
  5. no problem, if you need anything else check out 8th street black market
  6. @Eonhero Yes for to get rid of spark for thunderbolt?
  7. Do you want Thunderbolt it currently has Acrobatic, bug bite, Spark and Bite
  8. Reset and am waiting again if it crashes again take note of the error
  9. Can u see my party I can see yours and offer anything I want but can u do same thing?
  10. Nope it's Snorlax @Eonhero is your end stuck?
  11. That's easy enough, was thinking you wanted a breed pokemon with ev training or something like that
  12. Don't think we have metagrossite yet.... But what did you have in mind for training mons?
  13. Sorry had to go to work, item for item if not no worries I tend to collect heart scales and focus band?s
  14. Starters and dragons possibly Gastly as well
  15. Happy birthday, hope you have a great day filled with lots of fun

  16. If you have rpg maker XP you can open the game and check events and Pokemon appearance percentages Vinnie has been making a video walk through as well
  17. If you want one still though I can trade you one if your still on idk if I will be on during the times your on tomorrow
  18. You know that all items required to evolve a Pokemon be it stone or holding one while trading disappear correct?
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