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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. I was going to recommend waiting till final episode then if anything changes you wouldn't have to possibly entire sections
  2. Happy birthday, hope this day is filled with fiery good memories and that the year is filled with many warm memories for you and your loved ones

    1. Q-Jei


      Thank you Starry! Yes, I enjoyed this day just like I should have 🙂 Being surrounded by people who love me was enough to melt my heart. I wish you the same pleasure too 😄

    2. seki108


      Sorry for saying it on this post since there are a lot of birthday posts A.T.M. (and possibly a bit missing the date), but Happy (late?) Birthdya Q-Jei!  Hopefully it will be (or was) a great day!



  3. When you get dive so in around 10-13 badges forget exactly when, it's during circus arc
  4. That was the first thing I did redownload the mod and reinstall the new one fresh Will try doing it on a new reborn as well will tag you if that doesn't work I know how to zip but idk if I have enough space to upload it here Redownloading reborn seems to have fixed the issue
  5. Having issues with the mod I'm running 18.1 Speed breed is only mod installed currently Generating eggs works fine but it crashes my game with this
  6. Like the new profile pic

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      Don't know who that is but they look cool

    3. SilverAngelus


      You say you don't know who that is. Then I highly implore you to watch RWBY. @Starry Knight

    4. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      Will look into it

  7. This has all currnt pokemon and pokemon events as well https://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/42836-void-kissed-pokemon-location-guide/
  8. Today was a good day

  9. I forgot to get dragon z crystal, Phione and mimikyu so I had to go back, you can go back as many times as you'd like, I liked catching random Sigilphs from there as well so I went back three or four times You really don't need need to after the first time but it was a good training place as well After you leave the dessert it dissappears and if you want to find it again you have to find the Oasis again there are 4 possible locations for them tho
  10. Happy Birthday may the force be with you

    1. Godot


      Thank you!

  11. I speak from experience of going to the tower For the FIRST time you have to without leaving the dessert find THREE mirage spots fro the SECOND time past it spawns after any RANDOM number of consecutive mirage spot finds meaning it can take 5-20 times randomly each time the FIRST time is always three times though touching the shards heal your pokemon regardless that they are 'fake' or not also use an item finder at them You should make sure you bring surf and rock smash try to get everything there in one go along with a super rod
  12. Have a good day/night
  13. Snorlax, is an egg with one in it fine?
  14. I can help you, send something you don't want I have no need for anything special like shinies
  15. between your own files of reborn to reborn though as far as I know that is what it was might have one for rejuv as well but I don't know as I don't play it
  16. Lapis ward after restoration I believe not sure if any earlier
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