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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Done, though for some of the answers I would have liked to have a sometimes button
  2. I can trade you one for a rat or something you don't want
  3. Updating computer however it taking forever to do it

  4. No problem Lmafo sorry my bad @OmegaCheese on waiting, had to dig a bit for right one
  5. Okay I will try waiting this time probably happening cause we both have been requesting Tho it happens often, server get stuck all the time
  6. Give me a few my app disappeared again @OmegaCheese ready now I will request @OmegaCheese it crashed I will request again
  7. Depending on how far you are in you might be able to get one yourself but if you would prefer traded I have one for you if you have focus sashes or a Heart Scale your willing to part with that would be awesome
  8. Do you want your rock incense back?
  9. I'm sorry for not making this a bit clearer but send onix over I will attach the metal coat to it then when I trade it back to you it will be Steelix or atleast that was what was supposed to happen Will send Plume back, I hadn't realized it was going to be you attaching the metal coat @Anthroposman
  10. Joro12 would be the one trading or battling, I will request if you want to log in and hit trade/wait Do you have a link stone or will I need to evolve it? because I can just send over item on a spare pokemon
  11. Onyx ward rooftop Clear days near top left corner pretty hidden if your not specifically looking for it
  12. Pichu before going to argate does the same thing
  13. It's consumed during evolution, I can help regardless
  14. Save right before encounter F12 quick resets game all event pokemon can be done this way given or caught except eggs they are determined the moment you create a new game
  15. Oh it's you two again Let me know if you two need anything else You guys are welcome to Private message me as well but check out our guild as well https://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/45458-8th-st-black-market-venders/ PS don't worry about it, I have enough better better to have more then enough then not enough, currently more looking for the focus item
  16. I'll wait my User is Snorlax
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