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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. No problem You can still have them @DawsonGuny Tell me when your ready or can you trade currently?
  2. Happy birthday, thanks for all your hard work this year, hope you had a good year and this upcoming is even better

    1. The Swordsman

      The Swordsman

      Thank you! I hope this year and the upcoming one is good for you as well.

    2. Starry Knight
  3. I can cover you If you have heart scales or the single use focus item I collect those if you want to trade something of value back to me tho items in general are good
  4. As far as I know currently it isn't a repeatable event
  5. Starry Knight


    Pickachu comes after badge 13, you could always breed or use common candies on the one you have as well Ice cream helps them evolve a lot faster If you don't want the Pikachu Vinnie has pointed to PM and I'll give you one
  6. 177 I enjoy them occasionally they are a bit hard to describe they come in failry small glass bottles and you pop a marble down to break the seal they are a fairly sweet carbonated drink coming in some odd flavours
  7. 173 Hi Chew is a semi soft candy usually fruit flavoured they are like Tootsi rolls or laughy taughy though they are wrapped individually like hubba bubba gum Hallo panda are little panda head shaped cookies filled with chocolate, vanilla or strawberry almost like icing like filling
  8. Either of you like Pocky or Hi Chew? though I like Hello Panda strawberry
  9. No problem Have fun don't forget lots of honey
  10. 169 ~Starry sniggers at the number~ How bout you Silver do you enjoy pancakes?
  11. 167 I wish my dad would make them, his are amazing. He makes them on the wood stove, they are mouth wateringly delicious
  12. No I was hoping you would remember which ones you did PS What is the speed up button in your game Collected 2 of the 3 stickers, I can give you a video for the last one but I have no desire to do the last one, though it could be good training for your pokemon You'll have to rename it to game sorry I had needed to cross check something with mine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mZNEQmjBkI Guys.rxdata
  13. 165 I made some with sausages they are really good with maple syrup on everything
  14. Yeah which onws do you have currently?
  15. Solved saved right after doing so game.rxdata
  16. anyone still have beta version of episode 18 that I could have? want to check something out using it

  17. Yeah, though it was a slightly different puzzle as you seen
  18. They indeed have been changed even coming in for the first time This should be fun to try to figure out
  19. Bored and am not feeling like anime or reborn right now debating on what to do

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      Music that I enjoy has been giving me a headache today then again all music is doing that today as well 😢

    3. seki108


      Oops, misread your first post.  Sorry.   A fate of many good series: no continuation


      Headaches that won't go away definitely suck.

    4. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      I am aware, though on good news one of 2 cats claws trimmed

  20. 161 there seems to be something scouting us out anyone have any ideas
  21. 159 wouldn't wanna jump in those waters, got some gaters there
  22. 157 Typlosion prone to eruptions, also makes a good cuddle buddy cause it's nice and warm
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