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Starry Knight

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. 153 I missed my favourite pokemon Bayleefs for you
  2. Right Gyrados lol 149 an orange Gyrados Dragonite
  3. 147 Dratini the cute little Draconic Snake Moltres
  4. 139 Correspond with pokemon rather then routes that gives something till 700+?
  5. Attempted to look at it but I need game.rxdata found in user/Saved games/ Pokemon reborn
  6. 127 even more water Yes it had Shoal Cave on it
  7. 123 ..... damn thinking of Seasime St with that one All emergency except tow trucks lol, idk I like the way we do it, though each service has thier own separate numbers for non emergencies as well It would get confusing for each to have thier own numbers
  8. 121 Interesting we use 911 here for all emergency services
  9. 117 yay, I like 7's 118, damn it Lori Nope have Dex done was more for the unlucky 13
  10. Just the Piople, I'm gonna use shared box drop one in do the puzzle save send the Piople back XD not tech savvy enough to add on something by myself have little to no knowledge of programming myself
  11. When I take a peek at the magic squares tomorrow I'll add them to the Dex for ya
  12. I'll take a look then tomorrow evening unless someone else beats me to it
  13. there is a step by step video to do it would you like me to link it to you?
  14. Hello that my nickname now? I summon Silver
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