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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Done If you need anything else let us know or edit this topic and wait for a day or so to see if their are any replies keep in mind form rules ask that you only have 1 open topic for online play
  2. Excited just checked dev block looks like next episode might be done within next few months

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Starry Knight
    3. Abyssreaper99


      I believe Cass (one of the members of the Reborn Dev team) said that the post-game content may take longer than the E19 stuff but we are getting closer to E19 being completed.

    4. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      I can believe that, have all the legendary pokemon to event for post E4

  3. Don't you need Lileep as well?
  4. Yeah that will be fine just give me a couple minutes to grab them @Momo314 ready when u are, Ill request what is your user?
  5. I can trade the base Pokemon themselves
  6. Okay will see if I have something left to give u should have a few riolus left will be on later though
  7. It happens in trading occasionally one side will freeze during the trade or the sever will stop for a second and one if the Pokemon will disappear @Lord Drakyle did you do this one or am I still doing it?
  8. Any particular requirements or any riolu fine?
  9. In your back up saves there's a few with numbers go back 2 and rename them game
  10. You can go back a save file if you have it activated
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I65_wNegd-w @ 6 Minutes in
  12. There is a video with step by step on this would you like me to link it?
  13. Never really paid attention I got mine through magnemites and Tanzan I knew there was an item there but couldn't remember what sadly
  14. If I hadn't already fallen in love with someone I would totally tell you how much I love you for that feature
  15. Money girl is broken on my file just spent 20 minutes talking to her and realized she wasn't giving anything per interactions
  16. Tanzan Mountain where you fought giant Steelix, Wild magnemite and Skarmory also have a chance to hold the item Not in game yet as far as I know If your asking someone to trade you one your in the wrong section then if you need one traded to you Private Message me and I can give you one
  17. 13 I think it mostly is up to certain point where they start factoring in
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