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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. have you tried the reborn wiki? https://pokemon-reborn.fandom.com/wiki/Route_1#Vanhanen_Castle
  2. Does anyone know if reborn has controller support if so which ones work if not would it be possible to implement as a mod or through a program?
  3. try the spread sheet should be Pinned near top
  4. 11 no idea @andracass do you know?
  5. Glad that you seem to be moving on with your life XD
  6. It'd be cool to see them do a bit with second gen whether be buffs through stars or abilities or an evolution look at gen 4 they added a bunch of baby Pokemon and evolutions or the mega Pokemon or form changes (Alolian varriants) or in this new game give them cool items like an armour or something
  7. I occasionally do with my friends if you don't mind I have a couple friends who might be interested in doing so
  8. Sorry bout that I had thought bi had traded it....
  9. Apparently not this time, hmm how bout Yaya?
  10. Okay ready I'll request
  11. Give me a couple minutes and I'll be on probably about 10 minutes need food
  12. No there isn't but I figured I'd offer to trade the three base forms needed to get Null and you could get one you want not just a random one You'll need one of those as well then
  13. Minior, bruxish and Dhelmise no problem but would you rather do the quest yourself or not also do you have Phione?
  14. After Amaria you can get Gastly on upper route 4 will require to melt the field in order to get to it along with rock climb I would recommend a Scrappy false swiper if possible, is a fairly low level compared to your Pokemon which should be in around the 90s while you must battle to catch it, it being close to level 20 if you can catch it
  15. No problem have a good day/night
  16. Starry Knight


    No problem Have a good day/night
  17. Starry Knight


    My bad sorry had forgot about it
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