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Starry Knight

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Where exactly in the wasteland it only shows up on a couple specific maps within the grotto
  2. where the train was originally u need to find the path using rock smash on the walls to go behind the big metal railway block and go to bottom area and smash walls also can get Aaron there with headbutt
  3. The IVs and stuff can change if u save before the egg but the species is set
  4. Baby pokemon like budew and smootchum have gaureenteed 3ivs wild if you soft reset on them you can get some really good ivs destiny knot passes off 5 random ones from parents Power items pass off a singular iv from the one holding it corresponding to what stat it's for
  5. Remoraid in crysolia forest gets a decent movepool as well
  6. That should be all 4 after Azurill sends @Sealwe good?
  7. Almost, grabbing the mons, reborn keeps crashing right now, think computer is dying @Seal Sent request but no answer
  8. Will pm u when get computer working habit technical difficulties
  9. Yeah np Waiting on laptop to initialize it updated
  10. I am Sorry been mostly on discord and didn't hear/see the notification
  11. Is a couple of those as fossils fine? That way only need to trade 2 pokemon
  12. I have no interest in anything special but have a couple hours in the mornings weekdays and Saturdays 10am to noon EST if your available then Sunday is a bit more flexible tho
  13. @Vanitas might have one if not I can try and work out a mutually good time to set up a trade for one or for u to pm me your save and me edit one in
  14. I am on in the morning for a couple hours in around 10est I can trade u an egg for something u Don care about will likely just release whatever u give me as almost of of storage space
  15. Go back a save Go to this location on your computer: C:\Users\Your user\Saved Games\Pokemon Desolation Find the one called game.rxdata and delete it or move it and call the highest numbered backup Game.rxdata This is what a backup will look like 1263 - Starry - 151h 47m - 18 badges
  16. They are too early game for that
  17. I can help u with exp share if u either want to pm your save or try and work out a time to trade that's chill
  18. Give me a moment, have anther real quick trade first to do @Mezarumi I cantrade now Sorry I was a bit slow
  19. I can in around 11:30am EST to about 12:30pm EST Don't need anything special in return will likely not keep it and release it
  20. I can in around when u posted this trade PS please NO shinies
  21. I can tomorrow in around 10am or so EST
  22. Happy birthday
    Hope u had a good one

    1. Ven Enfield

      Ven Enfield

      OMG starry; I didn't even notice; you know I'm usually on discord nowadays xD

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