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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Starry Knight


    Alright I'll request then
  2. I can sell you one for a heart scale or an item you won't use be it rare candy, ice cream, shards or mushrooms (excluding Balm Mushroooms which are needed for a quest)
  3. Yes jasper ward after city reconstruction you can catch them wild in grass
  4. Starry Knight


    I'm back sorry My Boyfriend surprised me with a date
  5. Starry Knight


    Okay found I had one I gtg be back in a couple hours Sorry
  6. Starry Knight


    Sorry I took so long to reply didn't hear notification go off
  7. (Are the options you'll take) Pokegear Online Play Save (Y)/N Press "A" Login with user and Pass (Trade) or battle from there you have three options (Request) Wait or Wonder Wonder is random trades with random people I will wait, my User is Snorlax Did you want the other two for later
  8. You can shove them in a box unfortunately you don't get many dragon pokemon till late game Noibat is the only one in some time so it might do to have a couple back ups
  9. That's alright wasn't thinking of mega evolving I have four dragons that I can part with do you want all them
  10. Okay Will you be requesting or I my user is Snorlax Would something that isn't currently a dragon but evolve into one be fine?
  11. Black Mail Debt In on the 'joke' Long standing friendship that they didn't want to abandon even if it was toxic
  12. Okay When are you available to trade?
  13. 9 you know when you react to a post those are rep points that's about all I know about them they used to be used for a shop or something I hear but no longer, I think they are used to help ranking now
  14. Starry Knight


    I'm on now for awhile
  15. Starry Knight


    I have a female one and should have a froakie I'm headed to bed, I do have a froakie I can give them to you later
  16. Happy birthday, hope you have a wonderful day

    1. Angelkitsune


      thank you so much!!!! I hope you have a great day as well (/≧▽≦)/!!!

    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      The day is over lol is 1am here

  17. no problem you can ask again here or at the guild or PM me if you need anything else
  18. I didn't get the request I will refresh It just took awhile to get to me
  19. You need to keep the Balm Mushroom Heart Scales are favorite candy works as well, I don't really care if you can find it in shops or not I will wait my user Snorlax
  20. It has right nature now, Heart scales are a favorite any item really you aren't going to use
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