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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Yamask Would anyone be interested in a game like this using pokemon moves or items?
  2. That's fine I can stay up that long, it's about 12:20 am where I am @Drekrim Let me know when your ready
  3. This game was created first by Sir Flash however due to an update in rules Ame thought it would be best for a fresh start The aim of the game is to get to 1000 The person to get to 1000 will get a rep point If any numbers are noticed being skipped by an admin we have to restart (they have to comment on it as well) Numbers ending with the number 7 can be used to be reset by the Admins only Mods can post once a day if they wish to contribute but only Admins can reset, if a Mod comments it can't be reset immediately after the mods comment so it's a bit more fair (Sorry Cass)
  4. Happy Birthday Have a good day/night

    Hope it turns out to be a special day

    1. Lorisaur


      Thank you so much!!!!!!! Hope you have nice day as well!!❤️❤️

  5. I'll create it then How about we make it so Mods can only post once per day in numbers that way Cass and Ali can still visit, if they do Admin can't reset right after a mod comments? I always thought the 7 had to be put down so it technically ended on 8 23/21
  6. Starry Knight


    Enjoy have a good day/night
  7. Starry Knight


    Sorry internet died for a few there Yes you can if still on
  8. Starry Knight


    Yeah, though my internet is being kinda flaky currently Please keep to only 1 open thread at a time
  9. Hello, one very sweaty starry reporting in Is ridiculously warm right now I hail Seki
  10. needs to be rain this episode
  11. I will take anything to release though Heart scales are nice I will request I am free currently
  12. To those who celebrate it, Happy Easter

  13. No you don't have to trade her Corey or Shelly? In either case by the grand stair way in North Obsidia ward talk to the people there, I think the lab coat guy has what your looking for If you check at the bottom of my signature in the spoiler it has a item guide copy and pasting it you might be able to find a free one near there as well...
  14. Right Though not Yaya or Yahy I like this thread though I don't like double posting especially in this one lol Yaya
  15. How far in are you? Depending bon where you are it might be easier to just wait a bit unless you really want it now.... But in around where you find Geodude there should be a shop for link stones.....
  16. It applies to both, as your a mod correct? 1
  17. I will request then
  18. Yes do you want to receive or request? My user is Snorlax
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