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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Starry Knight


    Yeah give me a second will go buy one @Zmah Have one for you now
  2. Starry Knight


    I forgot to add an ice stone do you need one?
  3. Okay thanks, I re-downloaded the game @Waynolt the guy didn't show up or is he in a new location? I can tell it's semi working it won't allow me to trade
  4. Starry Knight


    That's fine if you have spare heart scales or something sell able I appreciate those I will request just let me know when ready
  5. Enjoy having tini for your game
  6. Yep that's fine Ready when u are now
  7. Okay WIll you be requesting or I My user is Snorlax I'll brb though
  8. I have two shiny ones and a bunch of normal ones, one of the shiny ones is adament with x on SP atk
  9. Okay, all of them are available to you even the 6IV one they are all spares Shiny or non?
  10. I have a bunch of dratini 1 6IV one the rest are all 5IV two are shiny, out of the two shiny one has X on the speed and a random nature the other dratini all have adamant natures excluding the two already mentioned the have X on SP atk. If you don't want one of these I can breed for the X to be on the HP
  11. Okay Was just looking through what I have all them are x on SP atk and adamant except one which has the x on speed Would you still like one of my pre breed ones? though one has 6 IVs
  12. any 5IVs in particular? I have a couple shiny tini's left from a give away so if you want one let me know I'll take the Heart scale you can keep the ursa though
  13. Starry Knight


    Are you looking for helioptile, A vulpix and beldum still as well?
  14. Happy birthday hope it's a good one

  15. ....Sorry I can be really bad with words.... meant using in battles and stuff but was never great with words
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