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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. she was las of 6 eggs to hatch, I almost never get females but figured you guys would have fun with her
  2. I'm ready What's your user I will request
  3. Do you have a full insence?
  4. @ShadowBright Okay then Is male one fine or do I need to go for a female?
  5. What exactly are you looking IVs and stuff, I'm bored and can do it not a problem, I have a 6 IV Snorlax to breed from and a 6 IV partner for it .... Sorry super sleepy currently keep dozing off for a bit at a time
  6. Munchlax itself isn't breedable, you need Snorlax for breeding What are you trying to breed I could help if you want.....
  7. @Chri5UM No problem Btw thanks for gender change
  8. Okay ready It has the ability that will turn into drizzle, not the greatest nature but it will do I gave it a kings rock you'll have to train and evolve it yourself though If you have any extra heart scales or item you have no use for that would be appreciated I will wait, my user is Snorlax
  9. They could be choiced any preference on IVs or anything like that?
  10. I see, which would you prefer a poli or a wingull, unfortunately I don't have many trained Pokemon as I enjoy breeding not training I can make sure they will have the correct abilities when they evolve though I can try catching a wild wingull/Pelipper if you want, I also have rain dance it you want that instead @Chri5UM
  11. Tried risk of rain 2 yesterday with a couple friends it was fun

  12. How far in game are you, you might be able to yourself if you prefer that way if not take your pick at a basic stage Pokemon and I can breed u one..... (Other then Kyogre) Peliper and politied are only 2 in game with drizzle
  13. No problem, enjoy the bird, though after renovation you can get them wild in Jasper ward grass
  14. Alright just about to log on, I'll request @naohime just need your online play name for in game, ready when u are
  15. Okay, I don't know exactly when it shows up but for me whenever I did 7th St events it was there it show up before then though.... I know you can get it before and after
  16. Heart scale or something sellable not too particular on Pokemon I have one of each line in shiny 5ivs..... Just eating currently so will be a few before I can trade and my papa is dropping off some money for dentist soon
  17. It Shou show up soon, not sure if you have to wait till Luna is taken or not though What weather and time of day are u trying?
  18. I have a spare female Honchcrow it's been EV trained and is high level though, if not I can breed you one quickly, has good IVs
  19. @Maelstrom no pots or pans as a stove or elements weren't allowed even an electric frying pan but the pizza bagels look good @ZEL thank you for the advice
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