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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. See @Goldmedalcoach did
  2. please keep to one open you were offered one by someone in your original post
  3. Did you double check that he isn't in Peridot ward just in case you got him there, do you remeber if you talked to him in tanzan base?
  4. more meant do you drop the egg in at the beginning or half way through or near the end roughly, I haven't made poached eggs so I don't know how long they take to cook
  5. Sounds good, I have been making Mr noodles with hard boiled eggs just tried it with soft boiled eggs might try poached eggs next time, when do you cook the poached eggs? My sister likes making her grilled cheeses in the toaster oven apparently, sometimes threw on tomatoes as well, we like using bacon crumble and sliced meat in ours
  6. @seki108 should be able to help you if not @luis or @Vanitas should be able to
  7. Please use PMs, the 8th St Black market or a thread of your own to ask for trades
  8. @Maelstrom I personally don't but the recipes contributed here look good, I have a oven and it's my besty in cooking
  9. I have a party with the four eevees and two tyrouges for you then
  10. Are you able to breed at all if I just give you four eevees?
  11. I think my side froze @mohmeadc did you want to try sending the request this time?
  12. Alright I'm ready to request agian
  13. again, sorry game froze while trying to log in
  14. do you just need one tyrouge or three one for each hitmon
  15. I'll request then Let me know when ready
  16. give me some time then and will breed the ones I don't have I'm fairly certain I have a few already breed though @mohmeadc they are ready
  17. That I can do no problem random IVs okay?
  18. I was looking for a list of basic pokemon you were looking for I'm not ready to go around catching things for the dex a 3rd time yet, I'm willing to breed or if I have an evolved form trade one of those
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