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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. What are you looking for? in my signiture below there a pokemon location guild if your interested
  2. Alright brt sorry internet had crashed
  3. Yeah, beef is cheaper then chicken here
  4. Still available you messaged at 5am for me
  5. Sorry had to go out for a bit Let me know when your available next sorry I missed you this time
  6. They don't have official ones that can be used in Nintendo yet but a lot of people have made fakemon megas for them I myself would of loved 2nd gen mega all of them kinda need it
  7. Please use PMs, the master battle thread, the 8th St Black market or a thread of your own to ask for battles
  8. I can give u one A heart scale in return would be nice
  9. @btid_exettv Have you unlocked the secret grotto by changing all the things in the wasteland that are from Corey's gym to one colour?
  10. Yes I can add them this weekend
  11. I think the void kissed spreed sheet has egg moves, if you want I can add them to my guide?
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