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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Noob1

  1. I think Larvitar was available in previous episodes through the mystery egg event.
  2. Are you waiting for the trade request already?
  3. I'm not really looking for shiny mons, but I can trade with any mon that you have
  4. I can trade anytime soon. My in-game ID is Noob1.
  5. I have some dratini and gible breeding rejects. These are 5IV mons. PM me if any of you are interested.
  6. Hi, do you still need a gible? I can trade you a 5IV one. Don't think it has a correct nature though. PM me or something if you want the gible and some of my other breeding spares
  7. Am interested in marill and larvesta. Let me know when you are able to trade?
  8. Larvitar would be great! What can I offer you in return?
  9. Hi all, am looking for 5IV female bagon, dratini or gible as per title. Larvitar. I can offer: 5IV deino, gligar, klefki, ralts, rhyhorn, froakie, torchic, dratini (list is not exhaustive) Thanks!
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