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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Milkman

  1. It's is where you get oshawott I had the same problem it's not a event
  2. I will trade a male deino hatched out of a egg lvl 1 moves tackle and dragon rage ability hustle impish nature skills hp 12 attack 6 defense 6 sp. Attack 5 sp. Defense 6 speed 6 Ev and Iv hp 0/5 attack 0/27 defense 0/1 speed 0/20 sp. Attack 0/20 sp. Defense 0/21 speed 0/28 it is not shiny and I would like any kind of magikarp for my dieno you will have to wait until I get on but all that besides I really hope this is better
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