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Brave last won the day on April 12 2014

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About Brave

  • Birthday 05/26/1994

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    Andromeda Galaxy
  • Interests
    Science, writing, games, and a good story.

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    Arjay #3349

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  1. Yo it's le brave's birthday this time! I really hope you will have an amazing day 🤗🎂

  2. Okay okay okay SO I nominate @Cad, @Caimie, @the_phantom_eyes, @cicada, and @Starry Knight for Queen @andracass, Quinn (can't find his forum tag), @Hellscythe, @Aaron, @Hat'n'Clogs, and @ARandomName for King aaaand @ZEL, @SailorMercury, @Ikaru, @Azeria for the meme, and @MelonLord for Sovereign. Long may they reign!
  3. Hey happy birthday Brave! I hope you'll have a wonderful day 🤗🎂

  4. Yo yo yiggity yo! It's your favorite reincarnating Demon Lord server mod about to commit what may possibly be the worst mistake of his career by resurrecting a long-dead community meme. This time, coming to you live from my room in Florida! The rules are simple enough but for those of you too young to remember the Reborn AMA trend or just very bad at taking directions, they are as follows: Use this thread to submit questions for me to answer during the livestream. Submissions will be closed approximately one hour before the stream begins. It's gonna be this Friday (16 October 2020) around 5PM EST so the maximum possible number of people have time to submit and tune in. I do this for you, Eurobros. Never say I'm not one for inclusivity. In the style of the old Ask Me Anything threads of eons past, you can submit multiple questions in the same post and, as the name implies, ask me more or less anything. However, I reserve the right to skip, mix up, or ignore questions posted here at my discretion. Additionally, while I will answer almost anything asked of me, I request that you adhere to the following rules since I AM still a mod and, more importantly, a person and the rules are still in effect. 1. Don't troll too much; there's only so much one person can take. 2. No explicitly sexual questions. 3. Try not to repeat questions i.e. read (or at least try to read) the previous questions asked and try and give me some variety. This is supposed to be fun for me, too. 4. Pertaining to the above: Please endeavour to ask funny, curious, thought-provoking, or interesting questions. 5. Be respectful, both to myself and the other people in the stream. I CAN still ban your asses if someone steps too far out of line. I think that's it. Have at me, then, you foul miscreants (and try not to make me regret doing this)!
  5. Ladies, gentlemen, and those who don't subscribe to the bullshit gender binary, y'all'ready know who it iiiiiiis~! It's ya boi, the Bravest of Souls, here to let you wonderful ragamuffins know what's new in the community. I'mma try and keep this short and entertaining cuz I know we've all got things to do and the world is kind of on fire right now so we need a little levity in our lives. Last time, the ranks of the Discord Warriors expanded to include two more fighters. The one known as the Abyss Reaper, a handsome bloke from across the pond who valiantly offered his services in the defense of our fair city. He is soft-spoken but nonetheless a formidable fighter and valued member of the team. In addition, yours truly resumed his former post after a 3-year anime timeskip/training session that left me more powerful than even I could have imagined. This time, however, I come to you with bittersweet news. Our dear @Azeria stepped down from his post and is dearly missed, but his departure left room for the ascension of another: @Ceratisa has been gifted great power and even greater responsibility as our newest moderator. Their power may even eclipse my own... We expect great things from them and I, personally, expect to be #roasted at least 30% more now but y'know what? Challenge accepted, Scrub-atisa jk Cera ily ! In addition, we've added a sort of part timer to the staff; one by the name of @Aeodyn. They're not a full mod, but they are here to help us out with troubleshooting and tech support whenever the need should arise. Welcome to the force, noble warriors! In addition, we sacrificed three channels (Hivemind, SwSh, and Online-play) to tribute summon Slifer the Sky Dragon in attack mode!! a new guide channel for Pokemon Desolation, developed by our local Postman (@Posty). Fairly straightforward; if you got questions about Deso, that's where you go to get 'em answered. Somewhere in Japan, Marie Kondo is smiling knowing that we got rid of something that no longer sparked joy in our lives. Really spruces up the place, non? Lastly but certainly most importantly, we've implemented a new rule change to our disciplinary guidelines that require me to shift into Srs Brave Mode to explain. We're all familiar with Warning Points and what happens when you accumulate a certain number of them. The new rules are as such: 3 Warning Points = 1 Week Mute 5 Warning Points = 3 Week Mute/Extended mute until total active WP count drops below 3 7 Warning Points = Eligible for community banishment Additionally, a muted user is able to appeal their mute and have it lifted earlier, depending on the severity of the offense that earned them the punishment in the first place. I know I don't have to say this since this is usually the case but, everyone, remember to respect your fellow community members and be on best behavior. Doesn't mean you can't still be chaos goblins, tho. With that said, I believe that's everything on the docket. NEXT TIME ON DRAGON REBORN BALL Z!!: ...I dunno, man; future sight isn't one of my powers and this year has defied all logic and attempts at predicting its course. But no matter what crazy malarkey lies ahead, we shall meet it together as one. Farewell, friends! May the wind be at your backs, and may the stars guide you on your journeys! o7
  6. All praise be to Her Excellency, Kyra.
  7. Hey, look, I'm on the forums. That's rare. Y'all know what time it is! Party Time! That means it's once again time for that beloved Reborn tradition: Reborn Royalty! Side note: I've been told that I completely misinterpreted what "Reborn Royalty" meant and that we aren't deciding who among us shall rule over the peasantry as is divinely ordained by Our Lord and Savior. But, like, why even HAVE an aristocracy in the first place? This government is ridiculous. Anyway, for those of you unaware, let me quote the Lady herself: A few changes from that quote, though: NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN AT THE START OF THIS TOPIC! So go ahead at it. The floodgates are open; nominate as many people as you want until the day of the party. To keep things funky fresh and fun, y'all ain't allowed to nominate Jan, Zumi, or ZEL for any category since they won last year. Pick someone new, you filthy meme children. Okay so just two changes, I guess. I'll keep a running list of nominees ITT. Have fun, y'all NOTE: Please tag your nominations so that I can insert their links into this list easier okay thanks bye Ember King Abyss Alistair Bibs Brave Candy Caz Chxxo Godot Hellscythe Huggy Hycrox Kyle Marcello Pyrros Midsummer Queen Amethyst Azzie Broken Elegance Cass Chevalerazze Cicada Crimson Ice Cream Sand Witch Kanaya Lost Lore Mu7e Posty Ruby Starry Night Vanitas Vinnie Walpurgis Sunlit Sovereign Adrian (A11) Alex Candy Caz Ceratisa Cerise Inuki Khrona Posty Sin City Toothpaste Fairy Waynolt Super Sunrise Emperor (All 3) Ikaru Kyra Ruby Smooth
  8. Yo. Long time, no see.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Melody


      Honestly? I only came back because it's not a place I can just let go easily. That and I have some friends here and now I'm helping with a few projects when I get the time. I'm keeping busy myself and still teaching, so not much has changed other than my school degrees and moving to Florida awhile ago.

    3. Brave


      <a fucking week later> Yeah, I've been trying to make more time to come back and see everyone but life is eating my soul alive and I have to focus on school. Good to hear you're doing well, though.

    4. Melody


      Good to hear you're doing decent as well. Not going to lie, I'm at fault for being late as you are...Especially since it's been more than a week. I work a LOT more though, since I got promoted. 

  9. Dan is that you?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DJ Mewdeon ft Dan Punk

      DJ Mewdeon ft Dan Punk

      because everyone was a cat before so I'm like this and I haven't really had a reason to change it, lol

    3. Brave


      can...can I pet you?

    4. DJ Mewdeon ft Dan Punk

      DJ Mewdeon ft Dan Punk

      I... well I mean I guess so if you're into that

  10. Oh, wow, the forums look slick as fuck. Nice work, Amethyst.

  11. That fucking feel when you reach your mental limit with this fucking stupid election cycle trying to figure out how and why people could be so fucking stupid as to vote for an idiot like Trump with no experience, no real policies, no morals, no brain!!!!! I've actually seen a comment today in which someone says they are sick of lying, fake politicians and they're voting for Trump because he's "real", the problem with that being his "realness" is just as bad as the negative traits politicians try to hide about themselves. I've seen pundits on TV bend over backwards trying to defend him and justify what he does and says day after day after motherfucking day and APPARENTLY HALF THE FUCKING COUNTRY is full of dumb cunts who will excuse literally anything about him because he's the republican nominee or because they just like him or because they actually think failure businessman can lead this country better than someone with three decades of experience. Even if you hate her guts, you still have to vote for her! This is even worse than voting Reagan into office! At least Reagan had some government experience before he ran! He has the backing of every neo-Nazi, neo-Confederate, white supremacist, and KKK member in the fucking country and leads among the uneducated white voters who pick their president not based off policy or beliefs or ideals or ability but whether or not they can see themselves having a fucking beer with them. Trump is benefiting from the same trade deals you hate so much! His shit is made in China and Mexico! "Oh, the politicians have no clue what they're doing we need a businessman in office to fix America" AMERICA DOESN'T NEED THAT KIND OF FIXING! A COUNTRY IS NOT A CORPORATION AND SHOULD NOT BE RUN LIKE ONE; PEOPLE'S LIVES ARE IN THE EQUATION HERE. HOW DO YOU EXPECT THAT KIND OF SYSTEM TO HELP PEOPLE WHEN A BUSINESS'S MAIN AND ONLY GOAL IS TO MAKE MONEY AT ALL COSTS?! THIS IS NOT A GAME, IT'S THE FUTURE OF THE FUCKING COUNTRY, YOU IGNORANT SACKS OF HORSE SHIT! I am so fucking done with the human race right now, a bunch of brain dead apes running around thinking they know everything, thinking they know better than actual experts who have an education and who devote their entire lives and careers to becoming professionals at something and actually know what the fuck they're talking about; a mindless horde of idiots who will swallow or believe anything so long as you convince them that it's good for them which isn't hard to do because they don't FUCKING THINK for more than two seconds a day! This species is the worst thing to ever crawl its way out of the primordial muck and disgrace the universe with its existence and I have never felt more shame and rage at being a part of it. I just want this fucking election to be over, for Hillary to win, and for Trump and all his fucking brainless supporters to disappear back into the cesspool of society so we can be done with this crap already. I legitimately did not think it was possible to hate people this much, but then again, I didn't think an idiot of this magnitude would have gotten this close to the presidency.
  12. I'm beyond fucking sick of this election already. Why are people so goddamn stupid?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Absol-lutelty awesome!

      Absol-lutelty awesome!

      Stupidity births from the inspiration. Inspiration stems from the speaker, and the speaker stems from human ambition.

      The only way to determine who is stupid for the right reasons is by the ones they follow. Hence, I choose individuality. I'm stupid for myself.

    3. Combat


      I always assumed stupid was defined as "Invading Russia During the Winter."

    4. Absol-lutelty awesome!
  13. Name: Raiga Lv7 HP - 24 Str - 10 Mag - 3 Skill - 16 Spd - 12 Lck - 15 Def - 8 Res - 6 Boon/Bane: +Skill/-Magic Class: Samurai Castle Address: 00511-67594-54997-37520 Alright, so I used 2 Dragon Herbs and a pair of Boots on my Corrin. If I'm right, I should have just made you a crit machine that abuses Astra. My life is in your hands, Lord Pyrr.
  14. I -DO- disagree with you on "assimilation" weakening the human race conceptually, because the race is ultimately stronger when collaborating with one another as opposed to working independently. I feel like "assimilation" is the wrong word to use in that instance. "Cooperation" sounds more appropriate since, as I said, the former word has some negative connotations attached to it. At least for me; when I hear it, I picture no variation across a population and that is always a bad thing. We can agree on one thing here, at least: We're much stronger together than apart.Personally, my biggest issue with conservatives (mostly the ones like Mikes Pence and Huckabee) is the fact that they are beholden to outdated practices. What worked or was acceptable in their time is no longer in the current era but they insist on it. I won't get into the Supreme Court ruling too much, but it does help illustrate my point pretty well. Whether intentional or not, sometimes conservatism can come across as bigoted because traditional values clash with the reality of today, and often the staunch refusal to accept said reality comes across as intolerant (see Kim Davis). It doesn't help that coded language is involved when discussing certain topics, and used as a way to sort of cheat the system by creating loopholes in state legislatures. The silent majority of conservatives who hold no ill will towards others get no ill will from me, but I think their silence might just be a part of the greater issue, y'know? IDK, I just wanted to clarify on that. It's good to know there are people like you in the world.
  15. Before I begin, let me first preface this by saying I am not a conservative, nor am I pious in any way. Still, I don't think this prevents me from commenting on religious matters. ["As a conservative and someone who is usually a strong advocate for assimilation over diversity in some instances I've often wondered if assimilation is what the Gospel truly pushes those who believe in Jesus to pursue."] It's beyond me how anyone can argue for assimilation over diversity, seeing as how diversity is one of our greatest strengths as a species. The act of assimilating into a culture carries with in an expectation that the person assimilating abandon aspects of themselves and their culture - pieces of their identity - solely for the purpose of fitting in. Even with my cursory knowledge of the Gospel, I don't believe Jesus' message was for adherents of Christianity to cast off their identity so that they might be accepted by him and the Lord. Jesus was all about acceptance of others' differences, and it is through understanding our differences that we learn what makes us similar. Prejudice towards others was nowhere in Big J's game plan and certainly not what he wanted his followers to do; the overall message of Christianity is unconditional love and acceptance. Assimilation has too many conditions attached to it. ["If this is the case - is it not possible for those who love those of the same sex to honor God as those who love those of the opposite sex do? What about those who have cast out the gender boundery in favor of a spectrum or lack of image at all? Is it not possible for the xe's and xem's of the world to honor God?"] That's a bit of a silly question IMO; if the vegetarian and the omnivore both equally honor God despite being fundamentally different, logically, it makes sense that gay people and nonbinary people can do the same in relation to heterosexuals. This is a constant source of confusion to me when it comes to religious conservatives, and this isn't to point fingers or cast aspersions on you. I just struggle to understand how one can say God's love is infinite and unconditional and that all one need do to accept his love is be open to it, only to turn around and claim that it is impossible for someone to love God because they don't conform to traditional gender roles or conservative social norms. The more extreme ones say God outright hates those who do not share their worldview. Such statements are incongruent with the core philosophy of Christianity and Jesus' word. God cannot be all-loving if he hates the people who willingly don't follow him. ["This doesn't mean that everything should be tolerated, mind you - but it would seem like - to Paul anyway - that people are not in the position to pass judgement against others."] Right, and right again. Nobody is in any position to pass judgement on others, with the exception of those who willingly do wrong for wrong's sake. However, I feel I must be as clear as possible about the first half of that sentence. "Not everything should be tolerated". Yes, and no; we shouldn't tolerate persecution or evil or oppression but when it comes to the differences that make each person unique, I don't believe we have a choice in the matter. We have to tolerate peoples' differences; if we don't, then we risk succumbing to the idea of forcibly changing another so that they might fit our image of who they should be. No one has any right to do that to anyone else. If we become intolerant, we become tyrants. The world doesn't need tyrants.["It also means that maybe those of us in the faith should be more considerate of what God's Word really says about things before applying basic family upbringing and conservative social norms to the world that is doomed regardless of it being traditional or progressive."] This is going to come off rude no matter how I say it so I'mma just say it: How is this not obvious? The faithful most absolutely SHOULD be more considerate of the Gospel and its true intended meaning before forcing their beliefs on other people. The world and the people in it aren't going to bend to any one ideology over another just because it claims to know the truth of the universe as said by (their proposed) one true god. Or maybe that's not what you meant by that sentence; either way, the truth of it still stands. Also, I don't think it's fair to say the world is doomed. That is just one perspective out of many with its own rationality behind why the world is doomed. For all the shit that's going on right now, I think the world will be fine and it doesn't need faith to save it. This is just my opinion but it especially doesn't need to be clinging to conservative social norms that have not and show no sign of adapting in the face of an ever-evolving world, society, and species. One of the basic tenets of existence on this planet is "Adapt or Die", and those who refuse to do so are the truly doomed. Preservation of culture and tradition is fine; it's when conservatism is spread through force that it becomes a disease rather than the balm its adherents believe it to be. Heterogeneity and tradition aren't as cool as they sound. Progress is the only way forward.Apologies if anything I've said offended you. I just can't pass up an opportunity to debate.
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