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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by mike91827

  1. is there another combination of teal you could possibly use
  2. Im on valor mountain. I did half the puzzle the first time but i went back out the entrance to heal my pokemon. I went back in and the part where I am suppose to activate the big crystal from hot to neutral after i save the sister isnt working. Can someone explain or fix. Game.rxdata
  3. a shuppet is blocking my way in that wispy path or soemthing. can someone move it pleaase. Game.rxdata
  4. Hello. I just recently beat the ghost gym leader i think narcissa or something like that. I am at the part where i enter the garitina statue and i am walking through those ruins when two shuppets pick me up and drop me in a hole. So now as i Understand I am suppose to capture all four shuppets to advance. I didnt know that at first so I was just walking around and i coioncidentally caught one by accident so i started collecting the others (i was in fact trying to avoid them because i didnt want to battle them. However, i got three of the four shuppets and the only one I need left is the one of the left where a big floor with a bunch of holes is. The problem is the shuppet is blocking the hole from which I was suppose to enter in the first place. If you dont understand what i am saying is that essentially I can not enter that floor with a bunch of holes to trap the shuppet because the shuppet is blocking me from entering. I could lose a battle to a trainer to get back upstairs but that costs me around 1700 dollars. Is there a fix to this
  5. Hi everyone, so I'm wondering if there is a way to save in the middle of the game when someone is talking. I'm at that point when {SPOILERS} When team metoer brakes into Amarian (i think) house and we have to protect it. The thing is we have to do three double battles in a row and its just way too hard because if you lose one I think you have to start all over again. Also does't help that You can't change who your starting pokemon is. So does anyone knew if I can saave in the middle when someones talking
  6. arent seakings rare because I never saw one in there just grimer and that stuff sure i can do that the thing is I dont have any of those atm and i dont want to downgrade your pokemon. I can wait for lifesapity to come home
  7. would it still help considering the fact that it wont listen because I dont have the badge?
  8. Hi everyone I am having trouble with pulse swalot as my pokemon have no electric or psychic type moves. my team is Swampert level 69 Arcanine level 69 cloyster level 70 toxicroak level 70 noivern level 68 leavanny level 68 Arcanine dies from one sludge wave, so does leavanny. cloyster only knows water and ice moves so he isn't helping. I read somewhere that if i use blizzard I can freesee the field and I can use ground type moves again. but I dont have any pokemon that knows blizzard. So if anyone can lend me at least one pokemon that can beat swalot. I use a strategy on big bosses by sending noivern first and have him using super fang. If someone can lend me a psychic or electric type move after noivern uses super fang three time and dies, I can finish him with the pokemon. But this is only tempoary so I promise to send your pokemon back as long as you send back mine. Anyone interested
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