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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Akiki

  1. drop me a message if u ever need 1. It makes life easier with pokerus.
  2. Ev training isn't that hard when you are using power items + pokevirus on low level mons. 8-10 EV per battle is no joke.
  3. Thanks for the suggestion. I will start breeding and testing them in multi battle. Guess I have no choice but to let Lucario learn bone rush to cover electric type until Earthquake is released.
  4. I am building a team (for PVP). I need some advice for my last Pokemon. Here are my first five Pokémon (Arcanine, Espeon, Scolipede, Lucario, Azumarill) Lack of Coverage : Electric & Flying & Water
  5. oh im sorry, I thought you accepted my request but has yet to finish it. Coming to fetch my baby riolu
  6. Spent hours to breed for the right HA and right IV but to no avail. Good thing is I found that ability capsule cycle through Hidden Ability in reborn. HA rate for me is close to 1/5. (when breeding)
  7. According to Bulbapedia, chance of Hidden abilities being passed down while it is being possessed by female is 80% (after BW2). But in my experience while playing Reborn, the rate is close to 20%. I found a post by Amethyst in 2013 saying that it is a known issue. My question is what exactly is the rate of hidden abilities? Divided equally with the rest of the abilities or remain 20%? For example, my Pokemon has 2 normal abilities, 1 hidden abilities. The rate is 40/40/20 or 33/33/33?
  8. IIRC you can catch goldeen in the ponds at the girls' secret base.
  9. I apologize for the edits. Just got myself a female 5 IV. Removed gender for Everstone.
  10. Apparently destiny knot can only be bought after getting 3/4 stickers. Can anyone who has access to the store trade a destiny knot to me?
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