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  1. This looks amazing -- a bit of Emerald Redux in Reborn. Great work! Would this be compatible with personal mods that add forms and moves directly to montext, movetext, MoveEffects, etc? I basically change up reborn to always have some differences like Partner Pikachu & Eevee, Annihilape, abilities like Sharpness, Earth Eater, changes like Guts Zangoose, Bug/Dragon Flygon, and etc etc.
  2. Nothing much, but if you generate a specific pID, the abilities, shininess, nature, gender are all natural in your selection, unlike when you use debug and they're traits being forced. Its the same difference between catching a natural shiny vs glitter ball shiny. But I managed a workaround either way, it seems the AMB debug menu is unchanged when accessing it in the PC, and your decat menus override only the menu and pokemon menu debug menus.
  3. Hi Beaufils, firstly great work on the debug mod, its definitely the cleanest and most efficient one out there. Just a suggestion, could you try incorporating the Generate Specific pID mod script from Aironfaar's Mod Box into your decat pokepage? It is basically a superior version of the randomize pID option that is in the base debug menu, but his mod is obviously not compatible since it just uses the standard menu.
  4. Hey! I got it! Ame, bless you for wonder-trade. I'm coming online. My game trade ID is the same as my forum display name - AndriuVA
  5. Why is it showing my response as blank?! Ugh... I suck at forum stuff. Anyway, I had said that I need some time for the mime jr. I havent got my sunkern egg yet. Give me a few min, I'm trying wonder-trade as well.
  6. Sure. Just need to get that mime jr. I have the rest. Give me a few hours? I'll get it right away.
  7. I'd love a snivy, froakie, larvesta, ditto or togepi. I dont really care about IVs or shininess, as I'll be breeding them myself. I dont have a lot of pokemon to offer, just reached the second gym in my game after my save crashed the first time, but I'm willing to trade whatever I can. In fact, any 2 of these requests would be enough, if all are difficult. Thanks in advance
  8. Hey, I just recently passed the point where i can get one ditto in the game. Can anyone spare one? i need to breed my starter to be able to trade them for the others.
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