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Zarc last won the day on September 21 2019

Zarc had the most liked content!


1596 Sage

About Zarc

  • Birthday 06/05/1993

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
    myanimelist : https://myanimelist.net/profile/Zarcy , https://www.deviantart.com/shadowzarc
  • Discord

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  • Interests
    pokemon ( no ?? ) , history , hiking , League of Legend , martial arts.

    Fan of : GoT , Stars Wars , LOTR.

    Anime : Code Geass , Akame Ga Kill , Seraph of the End , yu gi oh , Kuroko No Basket , Death Note

    feel free to join :)

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  1. Gotta say that i'm also curious about Lin adult's results too, as Lin is also my fav character from Reborn ^^ But only if that's fine for you i don't want to take your time ahahah ! By the way, hi Reborn community :) Still alive too
  2. I have also been busy recently but it's fine. I still manage to find time to sometimes play another run of pokemon fangames hahaha
  3. Been ages i didn't post here but also hi ! Veteran Zarcy reporting ^^
  4. Are you ready?

  5. Happy Birthday Zarc! I hope you will have an amazing day 😄🎂

    1. Zarc


      Thank you a lot bro ! :)

    2. LykosHand


      You're welcome 😄

  6. Thank you a lot Ame and all people who worked on this awesome game :) Wish you good continuation ! Btw wallpapers are beautiful
  7. I finally finished the main story of Reborn fiou... A few words if you may ( no spoils ) :


    First of all i would like to thanks Amethyst and every person who worked so hard on this awesome fangame. Pokemon Reborn was my very first fangame and i immediately started to enjoy playing it. I loved this desolation/post apocalypse atmosphere on the game, it was totally different from common games we used to play ( more childish , relaxing etc ).

    I started Reborn 5 or 6 years ago, when it was at episode 15 so i already had lot of content to enjoy. It's thanks to Reborn that i also started to discover many other fangames and for that thank you a lot again ! ( I often make fun of this game when i say " it's on Reborn where everything started... " xD )


    I have met awesome people on this community. Sadly i lost contact with most of them, but i'm still close to some even today. Right after i registered on this forum i quickly become one of the most active member by participating on discussions and helping others with trades etc.. I enjoyed every moment , it lasted... almost 2 years i think ? Don't exactly remember sorry :O

    Unfortunately one day we all started to move elsewhere ( Wolfox , Lykos , Seki , Sayia and many others ), on differents way and we slowly become inactive. I don't really plan to " comeback " but i wanted to put this message as a big thank you for everything.


    I had to restart Pokemon Reborn since the beginning cause i have a new laptop and so i lost all my savefile but i don't regret it. I enjoyed playing a new run with an improved story and more developped characters, one in particular ( those who remember me know who i'm talking about... well she is badass with her hydreigon isn't it ? :D ). I had to rush it aswell to avoid spoilers, which i kinda managed to do but wasn't easy ( only one day after the final episode release, i found youtube videos about the end game when i was searching for some puzzle solution... )

    The game is ridiculously hard at some point ( hey hey Pulses ) but this is why we love it right ^^. I still have the post game to do, so i know i have still a lot of content to enjoy.


    Well, i think i'm almost done ^^ Again, thank you a lot Amethyst and all Reborn community :)


    Until we meet again <3

  8. Restarting a game is good for story’s changes but it’s becoming difficult to avoid spoils…

  9. So ep 19 is out huh ?


    Hi reborn community , been a while :)

    1. Q-Jei


      Welcome back, Zarc :-)

  10. Been a while i didn't came here and i just noticed Rejuv v13 is out lel

  11. Heyy happy birthday Zarc!! I hope you're fine and you'll have a wonderful day 🤗🎂

    1. Zarc


      thank you bro ! Hope you're okay !

    2. LykosHand


      You're welcome Zarc! Yeah im fine excluding the pollen lol

  12. someone here already managed to play Sword/Shield on pc emulator ?

  13. Random hi from Zarcy Hi reborn community 

    1. Q-Jei


      Hello from Alsace, Zarc 🙂

    2. Zarc


      Hello from south Jei :)

    3. Dark Legend

      Dark Legend

      Hello from boring Indiana both of you :):):D



  14. Started playing Genshin Impact yesterday , i like it. Less raging than LoL.

    1. Abyssreaper99


      And gachas have now claimed another soul

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