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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zarc

  1. Gotta say that i'm also curious about Lin adult's results too, as Lin is also my fav character from Reborn ^^ But only if that's fine for you i don't want to take your time ahahah ! By the way, hi Reborn community :) Still alive too
  2. I have also been busy recently but it's fine. I still manage to find time to sometimes play another run of pokemon fangames hahaha
  3. Been ages i didn't post here but also hi ! Veteran Zarcy reporting ^^
  4. Thank you a lot Ame and all people who worked on this awesome game :) Wish you good continuation ! Btw wallpapers are beautiful
  5. I finally finished the main story of Reborn fiou... A few words if you may ( no spoils ) :


    First of all i would like to thanks Amethyst and every person who worked so hard on this awesome fangame. Pokemon Reborn was my very first fangame and i immediately started to enjoy playing it. I loved this desolation/post apocalypse atmosphere on the game, it was totally different from common games we used to play ( more childish , relaxing etc ).

    I started Reborn 5 or 6 years ago, when it was at episode 15 so i already had lot of content to enjoy. It's thanks to Reborn that i also started to discover many other fangames and for that thank you a lot again ! ( I often make fun of this game when i say " it's on Reborn where everything started... " xD )


    I have met awesome people on this community. Sadly i lost contact with most of them, but i'm still close to some even today. Right after i registered on this forum i quickly become one of the most active member by participating on discussions and helping others with trades etc.. I enjoyed every moment , it lasted... almost 2 years i think ? Don't exactly remember sorry :O

    Unfortunately one day we all started to move elsewhere ( Wolfox , Lykos , Seki , Sayia and many others ), on differents way and we slowly become inactive. I don't really plan to " comeback " but i wanted to put this message as a big thank you for everything.


    I had to restart Pokemon Reborn since the beginning cause i have a new laptop and so i lost all my savefile but i don't regret it. I enjoyed playing a new run with an improved story and more developped characters, one in particular ( those who remember me know who i'm talking about... well she is badass with her hydreigon isn't it ? :D ). I had to rush it aswell to avoid spoilers, which i kinda managed to do but wasn't easy ( only one day after the final episode release, i found youtube videos about the end game when i was searching for some puzzle solution... )

    The game is ridiculously hard at some point ( hey hey Pulses ) but this is why we love it right ^^. I still have the post game to do, so i know i have still a lot of content to enjoy.


    Well, i think i'm almost done ^^ Again, thank you a lot Amethyst and all Reborn community :)


    Until we meet again <3

  6. Restarting a game is good for story’s changes but it’s becoming difficult to avoid spoils…

  7. So ep 19 is out huh ?


    Hi reborn community , been a while :)

    1. Q-Jei


      Welcome back, Zarc :-)

  8. Been a while i didn't came here and i just noticed Rejuv v13 is out lel

  9. someone here already managed to play Sword/Shield on pc emulator ?

  10. Random hi from Zarcy Hi reborn community 

    1. Q-Jei


      Hello from Alsace, Zarc 🙂

    2. Zarc


      Hello from south Jei :)

    3. Dark Legend

      Dark Legend

      Hello from boring Indiana both of you :):):D



  11. Started playing Genshin Impact yesterday , i like it. Less raging than LoL.

    1. Abyssreaper99


      And gachas have now claimed another soul

  12. I just discovered this mod , and as a Desolation fan i'm going to play it ! Just one question tho : where do you get Dream Surge and how does it work ?
  13. Happy New Year everyone ! Wish you the best to all of you and your family ! :D 

  14. Merry Christmas everyone ! Stay safe and have great moments :) 

    1. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      Merry Christmas
      Hope you have a wonderful one

  15. Zarc

    Happy birthday my dear friend ! :3

    1. Sayia


      Thank you cutie <3 

  16. My mother : " i will come to visit you today in your appartment to say hi and see how are you ! " 


    Also my mother when she arrives



  17. Let's go for another Desolation run ( fire mono type ) , been a while i didn't touched the game. I'm going full dark side mod , gonna take every worst decisions ever. That's been said , it's a very good idea they added multi save files , so one run i'm going full nice guy and the other i'm going public ennemi number 1.

  18. Little Yone signature i did on PS , don't hesitate to tell me what you think and what i need to improve :D Been 4 months now since i started to practice , but i think i'm improving ! 



  19. I will rule the universe ~



  20. What the hell is this kitty youtube chain xD



  21. Another great Two Steps from Hell song



    1. Commander


      Been a long while since I've listened to one of their songs. I want to say like 8 years ago...did I date myself again?

    2. Zarc


      Been a while too , forgot how their songs were so entertaining. It make BOT5A a bit better xD


      I mean movie was nice but long version is ruining it lel 

  22. Hey guys , how do you like thoses Ice type mons cards ? I recently started to make somes so i would like to hear your opinions ( it's for a club on MyAnime.list ). If it work well , i will do every types ^^


    ( i selected somes of my fav ice mons ) 















  23. Just finished Pokemon Desolation , god , what a " perfection " game. It's imbelievable how many choices we can make and at the end i guess it will be so much differents ending possibilities. Gratz to all the team for their work ! 

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