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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zarc

  1. Si te vas , yo tambien me voy ~




  2. It's shit joke time with Zarc



    " I'm going to the restaurant with my wife. A gentleman arrive and ask : should i take your things sir ?  


    me : sure , here is my wife. " 

  3. Zarc

    i asked for a fair trade and look what you're offering me...










    1. Sayia


      It's Budew - you need to accept it 😄 

    2. Wolfox


      It's a Budew, that's a good deal (what game is that btw? just reborn E18 or?)

    3. Zarc


      Pokemon Revolution Online

  4. Beldum , or the pokemon as hard to catch as Arceus.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sayia


      Oh yes Beldum.. I catched mine only two times. 

      First was Platinum (I think is catchable in post game), and I did it with Timer Ball.

      Second time was not so long ago in Supernova, I did catch him with Heavy Ball.


      Comparision Tag Team Blog - Steven Stone | Pokémon Amino


    3. Wolfox


      Beldum is way hard to catch, just like a certain murky crow

    4. Alistair


      Beldum has a catch rate of 3, on par with most legendaries. To compare, all the other pseudo-legendaries have a catch rate of 45.

  5. Welcome to reborn , hope you will enjoy your stay !
  6. Time to play Redux again , wish me good rage ! 

    1. Sayia


      Have fun! I want to restart Rejuv 😉

      About Deso y'know already ^^

    2. Zarc


      Hope Deso will come soon ! 

  7. Almost getting fired from the plane cause the flight attendant asked me " class  " , i said " thank you 🙂 " 

    1. Sayia


      French people.. They always think are class ^^

  8. Little GoT humor



    Lâimage contient peut-être : 7 personnes, personnes souriantes, texte

    1. seki108


      Not really related, but my mind always comes back to Courage when I hear that quote



  9. @Arkiel no problem at all , she is my favorite reborn character
  10. @Jmanultrax1 no problem at all ! Good luck and thank you !
  11. I was holding a cigaret on one hand and my girlfriend on the other , my best friend arrived and said " throw that away ! " 


    *throw the girlfriend away*




    Joke : i don't smoke at all , and i don't have a girlfriend. 


    1. Candy


      I came here for the joke

      Read the spoilers

      I went back with some feels


  12. Omg i just talked with a orderly in the clinical and his name is Jean ( John in english ). ORDERLY JOHN IS IN DA PLACE BOIS !

  13. After 11 defeats in a row... this man managed to win a LoL game ! 







    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zarc


      Ok thank you for the advices ! 🙂 


      Yeah mages are my favorites arams champs ^^

    3. Shamitako


      With the AP items changes a while back, mana regen is tough to get and Luden's builds out of Lost Chapter and gives CDR, so it's still a good rush. Though personally even with ARAM's shorter games, I think I'd go Archangel's. Either way, a Shurelya's or Athene's (if you have a shield to pop it with) can help a lot with keeping your mana topped off


      If you're building Luden's, you could also just keep it as Lost Chapter until you finish a Liandry's second or third item, then upgrade it for the burst as the mana regen matters less later in the game


      I haven't played ARAM in a fairly long time, so don't trust me too much, but those are my suggestions

    4. Zarc


      And they are more than welcome ! I will try it ! Thank you again 🙂 

  14. Time for the cute/funny moment :





  15. When you’re playing Revolution Online and you train your little magikarp and ofc you’re hoping that he evolve fast , all my mons were dead except magikarp. THE HERO. Two criticals tackles in a row , 4000 exp gained , and 4 levels directly !

  16. Zarc


    Welcome to reborn, hope you will enjoy your stay !
  17. It's time for the cute moment




  18. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee



    Image associée

  19. Hakuna rattata ~



    Not mine but....

    1. seki108


      You don't have to have worries when you're THE TOP PERCENTAGE!

    2. Sayia


      @Hukuna the Undying Look at this first gen nonsense 👀

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      lol, Yes, l've definitely seen this one before XD

  20. More like : " when you get a lot of kills , but your team still feed "
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