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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zarc

  1. sound good so , that mean a lot of things to do on the desert
  2. Welcome ! my english suck aswell
  3. classic LoL : 10 wins , then 15 looses

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Zarc


      and don't pay attention to frenchs , we have a dirty reputation :D

    3. Wendel


      Dat's right @MrLGFD and @Zarc that reputation is justified for a lot of you xD but ye Aram's fun

    4. Anime


      that reputation iirc

  4.  "if mens are all the same , why try them all ?" our lovely baguette David Carreira 

    1. Anime


      Men are different tbh, its women who are the same lol

    2. Zarc


      true ! so ladieeeesssss ? <3

    3. Anime


      lol, yeah ladies/ women <3

  5. kinda love Hearsthone : turn 1 : innvervate ----> astral communion , turn 2 : deathwings. #letsfuckingparty

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zarc


      yeah i kow that feeling man :/.


      On my troll astral communinon deck , i put 2 robot ( 3 crystals don't remember the name : at the end of the turn it summon a random servant from you hand ) , so turn 1 innerv ----> robot , then i pray that ennemi don't have 3 damages on his hand , and end of the turn summon a 10 crystal card from the hand and gg wp :)

    3. doombotmecha


      oh yeah, alarm-o-bot; I remember the youtuber Totalbiscuit using it his 30 (well, 28 with the bots) legendary deck. It was hilariously cheesy. I really want to see someone else do a deck like that, but hes quit hs since then, probably because he just got bored.



    4. Zarc


      with epic luck i put robot t1 then 2 the ancient next turn and the 30/30 t3 :D

  6. " love can disappoint , the pizza never "

    1. Anime


      True, pizza never disappoints you

    2. Zarc


      never ! 


  7. 1. Why did you choose (insert username) as your display name? (Zarc) ----->watched ARC V 2. If you won 100000 dollars/euros/pesos/etc in a lottery, what would you do with it? keep them and try to not have an heart attack 3. How do you spend majority of your free time? playing fan games ? nah atm working for exams 4. What are your favorite songs? GlitchXCity remix xD , nightcore remix , techno/rock musics 5. Have you ever had your first kiss? If so, at what age? yes , 16 years old. 6. What is your motivation in living life everyday? I don't know. good question. 7. What is better: school or work? work. 8. What is your favorite pokemon type and pokemon? type : dragons , pokemon : typhlosion9. Who is your favorite fictional character? Why? Darth Maul , because he is badass and i love charismatic vilains.10. Are you: the type of person who would give if someone asked you or the type of person who would approach the person needing something or neither? both. my personal nature is help others
  8. I think there is " Pokemon super rising thunder " , you play as a pichu , link : https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=195965 never played yet.
  9. just like The Only God said , you should give a chance to pokemon desolation , it's a very good fan game similar to pokemon reborn ( amazing story and characters , quite difficult , and now some of your choices will affect the story ). Honestly i recommend it.
  10. When you have a 150 page memory to write but still looking for a good fan game... yeah they definitely lost me :/

  11. Zarc

    I-I need help...

    Samson was the hardest gym leader to me on my first run ( second run well i made a team able to destroy him ). Charlotte is hard indeed but you need 2 or 3 ground type pokemon with earthquake and its easy , catch a rhydon and a donphan on route 2
  12. The first battle is easy so any pokemon will be good. The second battle is the hardest for me , so i suggest you take at least 2 strong fire pokemon because fern use several plant type and blake only ice. Take scrafty because he is very strong in this game , gardevoir to counter dragons ( haxorus for fern , carchomp for solaris ) , and a strong electrik pokemon to one shot solaris's gyarados. so maybe : scrafty , blaziken ( for the speed ) , another fire type ( galopa is good ) , gardevoir , goodra ( always usefull ) , elecktross or ampharos. take a lot of revive and max potions with you !
  13. Yes it will be Titania. And for Hardy well , gyms leaders on this game have many moves to counter their own weakness so it will be not that easy in my opinion..
  14. yes indeed ! graphics are very good in my opinion , and the story is well made. This is kinda different than a basic pokemon game
  15. Hi everybody ! i don't exactly know if there is a topic on this game already but just in case : Here is Pokemon Academy Life , link : http://pokemonacademylife.com/ This game is still in development , currently v1.3 , but i found it very attractive. You are on the academy as Red , and you interract with many others characters from the entire pokemon series ( others heros , gyms leaders , rivals etc... ). I recommend it ps : and sorry for my English !
  16. thanks , baguette is life anyway <3
  17. hi ! and thank you everyone for your welcome !
  18. "omelette au fromage" ! thanks !
  19. Hello everyone ! First of all , i'm a french ! so..... big sorry for my bad English you know My real name is Alexandre , i'm living in South of France. I play pokemon since the first generation ( pokemon blue was my first game ) , i am 23 years old , and well the passion of pokemon is still there after all these years ! I played many pokemon fan games and reborn is obviously the best in my opinion , with rejuvenation and desolation , so i would like to congratulate everyones who are working on these projects ! I love dark/mature stories. Pokemon reborn is the first fan game that i played and i was immediately fascinated by the differences with basics games , more challenging , difficult etc... I finished the game twice. Caracters are just awesomes , my favourites on reborn are Cain ( for his humor ^^ ) , Fern/Blake ( punchlines xD ) , and Lin ( quite badass ). Concerning pokemon univers , my favourites types are dragons because they are cool , and fires because they are beautifull ( typhlosion is so cute ). Finally , concerning my real life , i love rugby , video-games of course , and discover new landscapes ! I'm actually studing history , my passion is Second Wold War's history and i would like to work around that in another country in a few years ^^ This is the first time i register on an international forum so.... apologies if my presentation is not correct ! thank you !!
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