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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zarc

  1. 3 egyptians Gods into Horakhty






  2. And ofc the two beautifull blue gods 



  3. And now place to the beautifull valkyrie cards , powered by the seal of orichalcos



    1. Zarc


      waza !



  4. Borreload strike back



    1. Wolfox


      nice. really hoping rokkets can still become a strong Archetype, if only a casual or maybe rogue one

    2. Zarc


      it's kinda a strong archetype imo , at least one of my fav right now

  5. Dat duel tbh , was the moment to play a God deck



    1. Zarc


      Now im trully Zarc



  6. Nessa > Misty.

  7. Just realized Nederland lost another finale. The cursed team 😕

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zarc


      I know , you guys did well. But still another lost finale . It's the 12th i think ?

    3. Wolfox


      Not too sure 

    4. Zarc


      Even Ajax was so close. I was impressed how well they played during C1

  8. A bit of historical humor


    Lâimage contient peut-être : 1 personne, mème et texte

  9. He promised me a castle for my birthday , how about that one ?



  10. I think my empire fleet is correct to conquer the galaxy on Stars Wars force of corruption remake mod :


    - 100 Stars Destroyers class 2

    - 4 Stars Destroyers class 3

    - 5 secutors cruisers

    - 3 interdictors cruisers

    - 5 ancients sith cruisers

    - 3 Kedalbe cruisers

    - 5 Kandosii cruisers

    - 3 CSI Lucrehulk cruisers

    - the Arc Hammer

    - One Mandator 2 dreadnought

    - One Titan dreadnought

    - The Devastator ( Vader's Stars Destroyer )

    - The Accusator ( Piet's Star Destroyer ) 

    - The Subjucator

    - 2 executors dreadnought

    - The Eclipse

    - The Star Forge Sith

    - The Death Star




    Where are rebels ? 


  11. Somes cool fanmades soundtracks :













    1. Des Teto

      Des Teto

      You pasted the Ultra-Necrozma Remix twice and it was worth it because this one is so amazing!

    2. Zarc


      Ah yes indeed ops 

  12. I have a stupid question : there is a way to put the field we want on reborn by changing something on graphisms folder ? 

  13. Anyone has a good yugioh archetype that has mutliple summons method just like D/D/D archetype ?

  14. Ah yes , the Pokemon Sword and Shield direct is coming the same day as my birthday. Time to know if i will bring back luck lel

    1. Sayia


      You will sure do 😄 

    2. SilverAngelus


      You will not bring bad luck...

    3. Maqqy


      Sword and Shield will be S tier games confirmed.

  15. All Phoenix Rising hype for nothing at the end as the project got canceled until someone else take the lead. So , Ame or Jan , you know what to do ! 

    1. Commander


      I...what...I can't see any positive way to interpret this. Nobody is going to touch Phoenix Rising because it's barely gotten anywhere and the level of quality is demanding on top of it. It'd be better to start from scratch on a game similar to that then continuing that mess. It's never good when something gets canceled but it is what it is and we have to move on. Ame and Jan are also way too far into development to even make use of anything in Phoenix Rising. 

    2. Zarc


      I know , it was a little joke. Sad cause it had lot of potential and considering all the hype it had , and end like that. 

      Let's go redux Phoenix Rising dude ! 

    3. Candy


      That's the problem with projects that are too ambitious and don't have enough reward (since it's a free game). It was fun while it lasted, and maybe others will be inspired to do similar stuff to what PR was planning to do.

  16. AI from Vrains passed from annoying to pretty badass character

    1. Rising Emperor

      Rising Emperor

      IKR!!! The plot twist that Ai will be season 3 antagoniast was amazing. What really made this so intresting was it was foreshadow 2 season from revolver, faust, lightning, and bohman and all of Ai and Robbopi's interactions throughout the series really sold it for me. If they do this right, season 3 of VRAINS, would be one my favories seasons in yugioh.

  17. Qi'Ra... it was me. 



  18. Crazy football... you're not ready for the end. XD



    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow



    2. Zarc
  19. I'm still laughing when i get trapped into this nuzleaf cage during 1 or 2 min on reborn xD I'm surprised no one created a topic like " eeehhhhh your game bug , nothing is happening when i'm trapped pls heeeeellppppp " 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zarc


      Yeah exactly , that's why it's funny and surprising 

    3. SilverAngelus


      @logintomylife Oh my. Does using an Escape Rope work?

    4. logintomylife


      @SilverAngelus Yup, always, it resets the zone then and there is no longer the pit-fall

  20. Happy Mother's Day ! 

  21. Yes so : i was going to buy foods peacefully. I hold the door for the man behind me ( how kind i am ) , he is looking at me like i was a mutilated goblin. I take my car , i let the very kind woman in front of me pass , she is looking at me like i was John Wick with a 14 millions prime on my head. I continue , i let the kind man cross the road , he wasn't even looking , so if i didn't stopped i was going to kill him. 

    Kindness and gratitudes in France , it's like car flashings : it's an option.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zarc


      I'm not from Paris

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      first dude is kind of a dick, last dude is a fucking idiot who in their right mind crosses the road without looking.


      like why. you are an adult, even a barely working specimen like me can understand the concept of "thank you", "please" and trying to avoid getting hit by cars.

    4. Zarc


      Yeah totally , sad times.

  22. Oh no , you're clearly not.



    1. SilverAngelus


      Or....what if she is? 🤔

    2. Zarc


      Everything could be linked after all hmm.... 

    3. SilverAngelus


      What if the other girl is M3G4T3RR4?!

  23. Went to see John (not so)Wick yersterday , pretty nice.

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