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Everything posted by Zarc

  1. Bigger than the Death Star ? Well



    The Starforge Sith 



  2. Little GoT humor


    ( contain somes season 8 spoilers ) 





  3. For Stars Wars fans and for thoses who happen to play Empire at War Force of Corruption , Remake Mod got updated and link is available on their discord ! 





  4. This , actually , is a masterpiece xD



  5. My opinion about season 8 episode 5 of GoT :



    ( care spoilers , don't open if you didn't see the episode ) 



    Total shit. From A to Z. 


    I will be honest , i liked episode 3 as i found him 90% logical if they wanted to respect time and a bit of the story. But this episode 5 is simply a shame , poorly writen , sponsorised by Disney i'm sure.

    They annonced him as better than the episode 3 , and at the end it's gonna be the worse episode ever. 


    - Danaerys who one shot simply everything : Iron Fleet ? Gone. Not a single balista was able to hit her. Golden Company ? Gone without even fighting. His captain ? Gone like a trash without even fighting. Kings Landing defenses ? Gone. Dany who is becoming the Mad Queen at the end. 


    - Euron vs Jaime . Why ? Why this fight ? Allo ? Where is Yara to fight Euron ? The fight we were expected to happen at last ? Nope. 


    - Why the hell are all thoses dotrakis on the battlefield ??? They are supposed to be all destroyed during Winterfell battle ?? 


    - Why the hell are thoses many unsullied remaining after the big battle of Winterfell ? Logic ? Gone too.


    - Not a single opposition from lannisters soldiers , they just got deleted like that. 


    - Cersei and Jaime died like... this ? Really ? Not even an epic death for the biggest GoT vilain ? No redemption from Jaime after all he did. Shame.


    Zero suspens from episode 6 , we all know Arya is gonna kill Danaerys , plus she has green eyes remember ? Lol. 


    Only thing what was " correct " was the Cleganebowl , even if we would have loved it to be more a longer fight.


    I'm not even complaining about the fact they choosed the Mad Queen Danaerys path , it was unavoidable since she lost so many loved people from previous episodes. I'm complaining about the fact they made her like a marvel superhero who destroy everything without getting hurted a single time. We would have expected at least a decent fight , a decent opposition from Golden Company , the Iron Fleet and Lannisters soldiers ? But nope. Just bring Danaerys and destroy the entire city already , more simple. 


    End of the rant.


    1. CrossImpact


      ah yes. the "long" night. aka I couldn't see anything. xd
      you might wanna drop that some %.





      anyway, pretty much thought the same things about E5.


      I didn't expect Cersei to die any "real" way like the show used to do it - they'd never have dared to show the stabbing or beheading of a pregnant woman anymore.
      and this way, she never had to face anyone! nobody to bring her to justice! masterful writing. /s


  6. He did it... we are all doomed.



  7. A bit of humor to end the day :



  8. Also , let's take a look to thoses Pokemon Dark Violet soundtracks Oo ( and i definitely recommend this hack ) 






    1. SilverAngelus


      I played this years ago 😮 I thought it was such a shame when it get canceled since at the time it was one of the better kinds of rom hacks! I'm so glad to now know that it's been continued (by a different person) and finished. ^^

  9. For Stars Wars lovers , go watch this fan remakes of Obi-Wan vs Darth Vader :




  10. Zarc

    Happy birthday ! 🙂 

    1. Sayia


      Happy birthday Maqqy 😄


    2. Maqqy


      Thank you Zarc and Sayia!! 😁 Feels like a long time since I interacted w/ u both hope you guys are doing well ~~

    3. Zarc


      we are fine 🙂 Hope you had a good day ! 

  11. New Pokemon Green Remix looks so funny to play

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      We had really liked insurgency so we were super excited especially him to see if they had Delta Snorlax

    3. Zarc


      Ah yes you and snorlax , still a better love story than Twilight ! 😄

    4. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      No me and Snorlax it's purely my boyfriend lol, was intended to be a shared user for us but then he went and made his own

      I am more particularly like Mew....

  12. Remontada is clearly a thing this year.

  13. Will probably be accepted as an intern on a National Marines Troups museum Oo :hope: 

    1. Sayia


      I really hope you will be accepted, and I believe in you! You know I wish you the best in your life ♥️ 😄


  14. Oh no they acutally did it


    Lâimage contient peut-être : une personne ou plus, personnes debout et texte

    1. Abyssreaper99


      And that's a big yikes! 🤔

  15. RIP Chewbacca 😞 

  16. The best scene of GoT to me :



    ( care spoilers , do not open if you don't saw episode 3 of season 8 ) 







    Too bad it end badly tho. Of course every strategy person will complain ( me first ) but it was kinda logical as D wouldn't have rules Westeros with Dothrakis around so they needed to die ( not like this tho xd ) 


    But hell , the charge was so well made and the soundtrack is just epic 


  17. This episode 3... damn. Definitely the best of the serie.

    1. BIGJRA
    2. Zarc
    3. BIGJRA


      I enjoyed my time with it but narratively I found it to be one of my least favorites. May change if the issues I had with it are resolved in the next 3 though.

  18. Just need a ritual borreload monster to complete the family as a new borreload fusion monster got released

  19. Yeah yeah happy Easter , but happy GoT too ! Ep 2 let's go 😄

  20. Happy Easter everyone ! Have a very nice day 🙂 

  21. what a visionnary i am : i was having fun with valkyrie deck yersterday and they just released 3 new valkyrie cards this morning 

    1. Wolfox


      The French Rata

  22. The valkyrie deck ( yu gi oh ) is 50/50 but so funny to play 

  23. Little GoT humor




  24. Revolver is definitely the best character in Vrains

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