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  1. Blaziken is honestly super flexible in this game for both sweeping and other gimmick sets so it's basically always the best choice lol. It can do stuff like protect baton pass or endure reversal
  2. There should be Solrock and lunatone in Manyworld forest and New world from Chrysolia railcave according to the walkthrough. You can find hariyama in B4F and B5F Ruby in Victory road
  3. On the excel sheet it says that you need milcery to hold berry ice cream and then use the mixer on it
  4. Also I'm pretty sure you can access daycare before gym 2
  5. If you joined Aqua Gang and do their quests, they give you a carvanha which iirc has destiny bond lol
  6. I don't remember how I beat him but I'm pretty sure you can just use speed boost sharpedo by using protect and destiny bond
  7. Aqua Gang for Speed boost Sharpedo with protect and destiny bond
  8. It seems like the ability 2 for Toxeon is Merciless, not Corrosion. (I don't mind it tho)
  9. I am also having the problem where every ability is randomized into Stench when using the ability randomizer.
  10. I like option A for masquerain because I always think it's water type lol. For Chimecho option B makes more sense since it is a wind chime which is basically a bell.
  11. I feel like Cherrim Crest is kind of bad even in double battles because Meganium exists so it should probably get a buff. I think that Cherrim crest should also make flower gift increase party's special attack or speed. Cherrim's flower gift increases attack but Cherrim's sp.attack is higher than attack, so increasing special attack would make it stronger. Increasing speed would also make Cherrim more useable. Another way to improve the crest is to give Cherrim sturdy so it can do something before dying.
  12. All of the fields became corrupted fields for me even after leaving the west gearen sewer. Game.rxdata Nvm I fixed it myself
  13. You also turn into gardevoir after the Anastatia with her mother scene for some reason
  14. Using a bike while you are Ren turns you into Melia
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