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13 Fledgling

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    Once upon a time I used Skype. Now I don't like everybody else in the world.
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  1. Damn, can't believe Kanon got his own official art, he truly deserves it after all this time :)
  2. Pog tbh, intense mode got to the point where the difficulty was going to be much too much and if you didn't play it then people were way too elitist
  3. I did the math and it's possible to get enough bad ending points while still seeming like a good person. Nice
  4. No idea why the audio is as quiet as it is here, but in Pokemon Desolation when you enter the forest where you fought the Team Fox grunts + Amelia after defeating them then the music is normal until you stop surfing in which it then turns into the epic bad stuff is happening oh nooooo music.
  5. It's "Y'all" not "Ya'll", it's meant to mean "You all" and "Ya'll" doesn't really make sense comparing it to other words using apostrophes like "don't" which means "do not" and "it'll" which is "it will."
  6. You can walk here in Cellia City. Just north of the Gligar house
  7. So, Beedrill itself has a mega evolution yet Butterfree doesn't have anything like that, so I'd like Butterfree to get some love too being it's my favorite Pokémon. Butterfree overall is a pretty lackluster Pokémon having only a measly base stats of 395. Most attacks will just tear through it like it's paper. What I suggest is a crest in which buffs Butterfree's powder moves. By that I mean that whenever Poison Powder, Sleep Powder, or Stun Spore is used each of those moves will automatically have priority and 100% accuracy. Although a 100% accuracy sleep powder seems kind of overpowered the moment that Pokémon wakes up Butterfree will instantly go down unless the AI decides to ignore all logic. It's kind of like Prankster too in a way, but it works on dark types and the three moves it works on never miss. I think this is balanced enough and helps Butterfree hold their own in late game, but if you wish to add it without boosting the accuracy of the powder moves to 100% I'd say that'd be fine too. Though then it'd be a pretty lackluster crest to me compared to, say, Meganium or Ledian's crest which is why I highly suggest keeping my original suggestion. (Also I was told that Butterfree is getting a mega cause of Gmax, but I still think this should be added because considering it'll be a mega only one Pokemon can mega evolve at a time meaning there are a lot better options to add to your team instead.)
  8. I still really appreciate this guide I must say, thank you for making it.
  9. False, sure the poster here could have gotten it if they had started their save on a version of the game before said event was possible but they likely started the game after the event was added into the game considering it's unlikely for them to be asking about this and not to have started their game within now and a year and a half ago about I'd say. Anyway because they started their game after the event was added the item won't be there. It's only there for people who missed the event because it just simply didn't exist yet.
  10. Atm it appears to be no as nothing has been stated or hinted about it.
  11. I must say that is an idea indeed but it would certainly mess with a lot of other things and they'd have to change it a lot for it to make sense on why you can't just go to Goldenleaf Forest to help you and Melia out or just wherever you are in the region at the time but yeah. Also the story might be a little confusing after that.
  12. Yes but clearly when someone says "Pulse Hypno" those who have played Reborn will know exactly what the person is talking about here as everyone's thought it.
  13. Okay so just to make sure you know we're talking about intense mode, right? Like you did fight Zetta and Geara in intense mode right? How many healing items did you use if you did fight them in intense mode? And what version did you fight them in in intense mode?
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