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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by narutoDkurosaki

  1. electabuzz had 0 in speed but zard has 16 IV and 177 in EV also same level battle was against ren before narcissa.
  2. it was against ren in intense mode before the 4th gym battle
  3. Do status moves like paralysis reduce speed of the pokemon and burn reduces attack like in the current pokemon games or is it different here. Asking because fought a greninja and paralyzed it but it still outsped my charizard and electabuzz.
  4. I don't have time to continuosly play the game so I take few days break and come back to continue but I've noticed a couple of times some of my progress is wiped off and I'm back to a previous save point. I thought it was in my head but this time I lost a lot of my progress along with some EV trained mons, my nidoking is a nidorino and lost a couple of mons I caught as well. Anyone knows why this happened ?
  5. i didn't find the moon stone in the angry guy's garden I found something else.
  6. took charmander because I know him the best but seems like I'm stuck at the third gym with no idea how to proceed forward. Also can some tell me why hyposis from stantler keeps on landing I've yet to see a miss from that one.
  7. that would make the game stale then for me. Just began the game the opening cutscene with maria is new. I don't understand this personality test thing and that's new as well also what is this password thing at the beginning as well.
  8. Damn that's a lot of content for me. This could be the game that takes the mind of my work and my other competitive games then. Last I remember there was like 8 gyms or something so lots of unexplored content. Also which is the best starter to choose now. I would assume torracat or 1 of the gen 8 starters would be the best option to choose from?
  9. This would be the fourth time I'm playing this game. The last time I played it was back in 2020 and had to abandon the game because my professional career took off and also because of covid. I don't remember much but a bunch of characters, some dude named creawli who was giving me trouble, some valor mountain, a separate island which was surrounded by deoxys clones I believe, some time travel maybe someone named melia as well I think. So has anything changed ? the game completed or still remaining yet to finish ?
  10. Don't have any money I'm done for now. Time to play something else
  11. stoutland talonflame luxray lycanroc greninja pyroar
  12. 2 hours into this gym, game is more of a headache as compared to last time. RNG is completely not on my side as my para ain't working for jack and I'm constantly getting sleep haxed to death
  13. Can someone tell me how the 4th gym leader is using ghost attacks that are hitting normal type pokemon is it like a gym leader move or something?
  14. I trained a vivillon to 25 and beat keta now I'm stuck at marianette lol. I caught a blue colour herdier is that normal does he have pokerus? I took most of my team to 30 but damn I want to evolve my meditite. I currently have a scolipede, luxray, Frogadier, Fletchinder, vivilon and the evolved form of rockruf. I used swoobat in the old game I want to use some new ones this time around. Is there anyway to battle old trainers again for grinding pokemon ? Also any idea how to get the different eevees ? I'm tired of using espeon in every playthrough.
  15. I haven't got lilipup as for vivilion where is it? is it in that place where the rift gyarados is ? I don't like swoobat. I'm trying to catch a natu but the bugger runs away by teleport. This is my second time playing this one but I have trained the wrong pokemon.
  16. Not really in the previous version I played there was a shadow froakie now its not there as its a starter. There was also the first form of stoutland as well in the first city. There aren't that good pokemon I would consider using as I'm quite picky with the pokemon I use. This second fight is bummer as now I have to train that shadow grimer or houndoom or hope to catch a natu. More than half my team will take level 35 to evolve and thats will probably take 5 gyms maybe due to the level cap. I did consider battle mechanics but you need suitable counters and the refight trainer mechanic isn't present in the beginning stages of the game I think.
  17. played rejuvanation few years back till you could get 7 badges loved it then, loved the concept as well. Now its become too damn annoying have to fight the second gym leader not once but twice. RNG is completely screwed and how come body slam a normal move from a lapras can hit a protean froakie who is ghost type? Cannot paralze opponents even if I do that they still don't paralyze. I'm venting I know and probably gonna be called names and what not but srsly the early game is so damn frustrating.
  18. Thanks everyone seems like I can't get whismur because I already beat julia. Willtry to get teddy though and where can I get the rose incense???
  19. WOW everyone is friendly here....that's nice and Thanks for having me here. BTW is it easy to get shiny in this game????
  20. I've just started to play this game from the latest ep. I've seen some youtube videos for getting some event pokemon in the peridot ward. I can't seem to get whismur, budew, wingull and teddiursa. I found a pachirisu instead of a panpour as well. How do you evolve swirlix as well. Help would be appreciated.
  21. Hello guys I'm new here. I've heard of pokemon reborn but didn't have the interest to play it. But with hardly any good pokemon hacks I've decided to give it a try and I'm impressed. Anyway I'm new member and help me with my queries.
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