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  1. Where's the Elite Four of the Virtual Battle League thing? I know it's in West Gearen but I legit can't find it. Do i have to do more story stuff first? (About to battle Electric gym here)
  2. Funny thing is I acknowledged to myself that she shoulda said that and just looked past it. Not really sure how I avoided it, unfortunately
  3. So I'm at the end of Darchlight Cave where the elevator is, but when I go into the room where it is, Flora just kinda teleports to it and is non-interactable so I cannot continue. Not sure what to do. Maybe I'm doing something wrong/missing something.
  4. All 3* of these spots on Route 11 get you stuck. It's like trying to get through a mine field on this route.
  5. I'm at Agate Circus and forgot one for my Roselia, anyone wanna help?
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