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ferret ninja

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ferret ninja

  1. I'm saying that having his first pokemon spam one move without any attack buffs to ko five pokemon blind is pretty lucky. The field didn't mess with his pokemon or its moves at all, his counter was a sweeper instead of a stall (where he would probably lost), he was immune to ground which flo was big on, and none of the 1st five pokemon had moves to cover his lead. His Masquerain is a good pick by him as a grass counter, but he was lucky that it ended up being a perfect counter in a blind fight on a blind field and that everything went right for him. I'm not saying that he wouldn't have won that fight without everything going right. He was pretty prepared for a blind nuzlocke run, but him making the blind battle look easy by being able to sweep five pokemon with no offense set up is more luck than him being prepared for reborn.
  2. Mo got so lucky with cacnea not sandstorming, cottonee not using leach seed/missing nature power/getting poisoned, and cradily not using recover(glitch?). Nappy got super lucky though with none of florinia's pokemon being able to deal with masquerain, criting the maractus, avoiding ferroseed leach seed, and landing every air cutter including on the sand veil cacnea. Really felt like Nappy just got lucky on this battle more than him being prepared for reborn and can't wait for when it is his turn to get unlucky.
  3. You can't set off burning field because the prankster illumise is using rain dance which stops that effect, have your mienfoo fake out illumise on turn 1 to stop the rain dance and growlithe can set up the flame burst. Not sure if that growlithe can actually survive the masquerain's 1st bubblebeam. If it can't, then have your graveler 1st instead of growlithe and use rock throw to probably ko both of them. Without rain dance, Anorith won't have his swift swim doubling his speed and aqua jet won't get boosted so he should be easier to deal with. The only other pokemon that can stop the burning field is her araquianid with rain dance but it is pretty slow. If araquinid is the 1st pokemon sent out after illuminise or illumise doesn't die to rock throw, then what you can do is level your monferno to lv 36, evolve it, have it learn fire pledge from the move tutor in the building next to the gym, and then use a common candy on it. Your infernape which is faster than than masquerain can then set up fire pledge at the start of the battle to set up burning field after your mienfoo fakes out illumise .
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