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PKMN Trainer Wally

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by PKMN Trainer Wally

  1. I need a metal coat to evolve my Onix.I will be very grateful if anyone can give me a Metal coat.
  2. Hey, I want to do a Poison monorun, but all the best poison types are so hard to get in early game so i could ask for the mons that i want. Thanks for the people who will help me. Game.rxdata
  3. I only want IVs on Sp.Atk and Speed with the item lucky egg. What happened with the guild?
  4. Requested Pokemon : Ralts Gender(Male or Female) : Female Item(Lucky Egg) : Ability : Trace Nature :Modest Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : Shiny (if possible) Egg Moves : Nope Offered Pokemon : Trubbish Gender(Male or Female) : Female Item : None Ability :Stench Nature : Serious Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : Shiny Egg Moves : None Online ID : Zuconildo
  5. Your team is very awsome and no need major changes but i think you need a Rock Type Tank Pokemon because you will need against the future Elite Four Benneth (I think he will be one Elite Four and Staraptor and Houndoom will need a help). I hope this will help you. Good luck and enjoy.
  6. I want to start a wonderlocke challenge but i didn't know how the wonderlocke rules will work in Reborn. Anyone know de wonderlocke rules in Reborn?
  7. @StarryDreamerKitten I didn't know about the Meteor Mash but i want the other egg moves too. Let's trade?
  8. Requested Pokemon : Riolu Gender : Male or Female Item: Lucky Egg (I lost the event) Ability : Prankster Nature : Jolly IV Spread : Attack and Speed With or without Pokerus : Without Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : Normal With or without Egg Moves: With ( Meteor Mash, Crunch, Blaze Kick and High Jump Kick) ---- Offered Pokemon : Rockruff Gender : Female Item : None Ability : Keen Eye Nature : Gentle IV Spread : 31 Speed, 26 Atk and 28 Special Defense Pokerus : Without Shininess : Normal Egg Moves : None  Online ID: Zuconildo
  9. I'm going to battle against Serra but is too hard and i always lose. I'm doing a Flying Monotype and i need help. All my mons are in lv 50.
  10. Thank you, your tips will help me a lot. Yes, i'm doing a mono-flying run.
  11. Why your team has only five mons, Maqqy? Five mons in Reborn and in Rejuvenation
  12. I'm going to battle against Aya and i needo you to rate my team.
  13. Sorry Luis but i already have one magikarp. But i have other request. Requested Pokemon : Hawlucha Gender : Male or Female Item: None Ability : Unburden or Mold Braker Nature : Adamant IV Spread : Attack and Speed With or without Pokerus : Without Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : Normal With or without Egg Moves: Without ---- Offered Pokemon : Clamperl Gender : Female Item : None Ability : Shell Armor Nature : Mild IV Spread : 27IV in Defense, 26IV in Sp.Atk and 25 in Speed Pokerus : With Pokerus Shininess : Normal Egg Moves : Iron Defense, Muddy Water and Body Slam Online ID: Zuconildo
  14. Well Dragalge doesn't work too well with watterfall and dive, you can teach Scald or Surf. If you teach Surf for Dragalge, You can teach Watterfall for Swampert. Volcarona can learn GIga Drain and it help a lot. Dusknoir is better with physical attacks, you can teach Shadow Sneak instead Shadow Ball, Will-O-Wisp instead Confuse ray and Ice Punch instead Strengh. I think this can help you.=)
  15. For Roserade you can teach Leech Seed in the place of Magical Leaf. For Swampert you can shuffle his ability to Torrent and you can teach Earthquake, Watterfall and Ice Punch. For Arcanine you can shuffle his ability to Intimidate and you can teach Iron Head an Flare Blitz because his Special Atack is worse than his Attack. For Scrafty you can shuffle his ability to Moxie and you Can Teach Drain Punch instead Brick Break and Zen Headbutt instead Chip Away. And For Dusclops, you can teach Ice Punch instead Shadow Punch or instead Confuse Ray. I think this will help you.
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