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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Ethernum

  1. Hello everybody! This is my first post on the forum. I almost completed the game (except I couldn't manage to get the last stamp for the store :/). The problem is that there is still a lot of pokemon I can't get in the game now because I didn't pass the events before the city was reconstructed. So it's currently impossible to get them by myself. So if anybody could be kind engouh to breed one of their pokemon or send me one of their spare (in any state of evolution), I can exchange it with any of other obtanaible pokemon in the game. Btw, if anybody who can access the 10th floor of the department store could give their pokemon a dragon scale, a deepsea scale or a magmarizer, it would be fantastic. The pokemon I need: Shuppet (Bannette) The event didn't work for me, at any hour of the night I always had « The name is to mangled to read ». :/ Azurill (Marill / Azumarill) Done Corsola Togepi (Togetic / Togekiss) Done Kabuto (Kabutops) Done Magikarp (Gyarados) Done Pinsir Torchic (Combusken / Blaziken) Schroomish (Breloom) Done Lileep (Cradily) Anorith (Armaldo) Happiny (Chansey / Blissey) Done Snivy (Servine / Serperior) Done Sigilyph Zorua (Zoroark) Fennekin (Braixen / Delphox) Done Skrelp (Dralgage) Done Helioptile (Heliolisk) My ID in the game: Ethernum
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