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  1. a day with a reborn post is a good day
  2. Very entertaining read, as always. Those changes look great, especially those who cut down the time spent grinding thank you all for your hard work!
  3. at some point I thought "what if Lin is Arceus" but I don't really remember why. I had a reason though!
  4. it's nice to see changes to the early game! I was very torn between starting all over or keeping my e18 file, cause I wanna see the new story but I haven't played pokemon in so long that e19 would very probably murder me cause I'm so rusty lol, these changes definitely make me lean more towards starting from scratch
  5. from what I remember, in earlier versions you could only change the difficulty when Luck was in gearen, later he would leave and setup near grand dream city, but you couldn't change the difficulty when he was there, does it still work the same way? I lost my save files due to problems with my old computer so I had to buy a new one, and I want to get to the new content as soon as possible, so I wanted to know if I could play on "easy" and then change it to normal when I'm back at where I used to be.
  6. that sounds really cool! I'm looking forward to those battles, honestly. I might not have the skill you speak of, since I haven't played pokemon since I finished playing the latest reborn & rejuv updates, but eh, that's for future me to deal with lol No u
  7. Spedy


    once again, gotta say I love how you write posts in here lol though I'm not sure what makes "weasel slash" so funny. am I missing context or am I just dumb? eh, I enjoyed the read anyway
  8. Now my game doesn't freeze for a second or two before every move animation, it's instant! It's a miracle! As always, very fun post to read, cass, though I dumdum so I didn't completely understand everything. Y'all are amazing
  9. Now my game doesn't freeze for a second or two before every move animation, it's instant! It's a miracle! As always, very fun post to read, cass, though I dumdum so I didn't completely understand everything. Y'all are amazing
  10. nice! I guess that gives me a reason to replay reborn once again. also, I find the way you write these posts to be really charming lol
  11. Sunflora crest: multiplies special attack by 1.2 or 1.3, multiplies speed by 1.8 or 2, and sets up the sun on switch in. assuming the Drought ability it gets from the crest doesn't replace its original ability, it can get an extra x1.5 to special attack with solar power or a x2 to speed with chlorophyll, so the crest multipliers would have to be adjusted based on that. but I think Sunflora needs a pretty big amount of help, as it is pretty much unusable by the time you reach the first crests in the laberynth.
  12. I chose to stop her. Phew.
  13. I've only used the ledian crest so far lol (Punch moves hit 4 times) It's fun, it makes it actually usable, and a good mon to baton pass stat boosts to. I'd say it'd be nice if the crest gave it a small buff in attack or speed though.
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