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Everything posted by Maurício

  1. First, I wanna say sorry for my bad english. I'm still learning. I've just finished a mono fire run and it was SO funny... And I want to do it again. Fire types were always my favorite... But now I don't know what kind of mono run should I do. If you ever did a mono run... With wich type you had the most fun? Please, comment bellow your storie and, maybe, I will be able to choose my next run with a better sense or with some cool idea. I'll comment here after I choose what kind of mono i started.
  2. Thanks for the help! I beat Amaria using the tip of the elemental seed. I boosted my volcarona with quiver dance and he gave one hit k.o. in 5 of her 6 pokemons. Just lapras survived, but with my arcanine with intimidade and elemental seed + wild charge, she lost. And with this... I finished my fire mono run till ep 18! I AM SO HAPPY
  3. I'm about to fight the water gym and I need the location of some electric tms/ move tutors... I am doing a mono fire run and I already have wild charge tm and rotom. I would like some tips do beat Amaria. I'm running out ideas. This is my options of fire types (I have pansear and his evolution as well, if I need to use it)
  4. And I also don't know how to get a fennekin
  5. where can i found an alolan maroak? or teach destiny bond/ perish song?
  6. I've started a mono run and I have a pretty good variaty of pokemons at high level... BUT I CAN'T TAKE THAT SWALLOT DOWN. I would like some help... Talonflame/ calm/ flame body/ lv70 - tailwind flare blitz steel wing brave bird Blaziken hardy/ speed bost/ lvl 75 high jump kick brave bird bulk up flare blitz torkoal lax/ drought/ lvl 75 - heat wave shell smash inferno yawn volcarona lv 75 naught/ swarm - fiery dance hurricane quiver dance bug buzz camerupt lvl anger poin/ bashfull/ 66 - yawn/ fissure/ earthquake/ rock slide tentacool hm slave lvl 30 I need tentacool in my team... i had in the computer too lvl 75 Houdoom with dark pulse foul play nast plot flametrower lvl 74 Chandelure will o wisp shadowball pain split flametrower lvl 73 Arcanine thunder fang crunch flare blitz heat wave lvl 75 incirenoar shadow claw darkest lariat flare blitz outrage lvl 51 charizard dragon claw dragon rage flametrower shadowclaw lvl 60 charizard (hm slave) lvl 37 emboar lvl 10 cyndaquil extrasensory (i find it out now. i'm gonna raise it) lvl 49 rapidash lvl 61 oricorio lvl 45 heatmor lvl 7 pansear lvl 50 maccargo shell smash anciet power lava plume recover ya'll have any ideas? if you have any
  7. Hi, I want to start a ghost type mono run... Would be to much ask for 4/5 ghost types (can be any ghost type)? Ghost types are not available in variaty until the the third gym. And if some of then needs to envolve in the future with a dusk stone, could the pokemon be holding one? P.S.: Sorry, for my gramatical mistakes. I do not speak english. Since now, thank you for the attemption. Here is the save file: Game.rxdata
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