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15 Fledgling

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  1. For the A-Gang contracts, they change your character model to their respective character, except for Ana, she won't work. I dunno if there are consequences beyond that though.
  2. There should be a room nearby with no debris and everything in the right place, so what may help is just taking a picture of that and using that as a frame of reference for your guide. If the massive overhaul that was 13.5 removed the room, then you're own your own soldier.
  3. As far as I'm aware, the story has had a bit of an overhaul in certain areas, when I got to this section I was also a bit confused. I'm not sure what the full context is either. As for the gauntlet, you're required to clear the gauntlet later on, you just have the option to do it sooner.
  4. Alright, so I got wrecked my Spacea after I beat Tiempa, and now I'm struggling to find out how to get back to Amberette town, because the crystal in the Forest of Time on Valor Mountain was shattered. Any chance someone knows what I'm doing wrong?
  5. I'd do it for you if I could but trust me, many will skip over this just like they skip over all my stuff. Welcome to the club.
  6. Right, I misclicked and I accidentally gave the Magma Stone to Cera, which activated a story split off. I have the golden driftboard which solved the magma drift problem (I tried finding the gang but no success) and I can't get Kyogre to appear. Normally ya just have to stand in the middle and it'd happen, I already went to the cliffside and I wanna find a way to avoid Venam hating on me. So I went to an earlier save so I could prevent that. Can someone please tell me how in the living HELL I save Madelis Amber and Tesla?
  7. Hello, I was in the Garufa ruins about to enter the door, and I for SOME DAMN REASON got stuck like I did in several other problems I reported with the same bug yet different locations. My file's too big so can I please talk to someone on discord?
  8. I just watched the latest episode of glitchtale and that ending.......left me in bad shape, just like the ending to V10 of rejuvenation, here's what I am looking for in ANY game. 1. A game that has some good cutscenes and a neat story. 2. The design is at least average 3. The puzzles can be hard just not mind breakingly difficult like Rejuvenation's Garufa Ruins and Darclight Mirror. 4. Characters that aren't completely shit like TeruTeru from DR2. 5. Controls that are easy to work with. 6. Difficulty that isn't too easy but at least a little below Rejuvenation's Intense Mode (if you can beat that you can beat tons of stuff) 7. That's all, hopefully more details of what I am looking for helps you and as you know, you don't have to reply if you don't want to. If I seem aggressively rude to someone because of a response that I've seen TONS of times before it's because they make me get a bit agitated and if that happens I am truly and deeply sorry, and to everyone on this site, I hope you have a fantastic weekend.
  9. Okay, I installed it and I found the debug thingy but I have NO CLUE about what the hell I'm doing.
  10. Do you know how I get the Scripts.rxdata to work in the RPGM XP? EDIT: I keep getting this message 'Unexpected file format'
  11. EVENTUALLY the maker of the rejuv port of the mod menu will update it so it COMPLETELY works for V10.
  12. Believe me Ma'am I asked the EXACT same question. Sadly no debug mode....................yet.
  13. Show us you're "cease and desist" order and then we (i) might believe you.
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