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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by TwilightCoda

  1. Hey, Lykos. I just found you in the game today. I can’t believe your birthday was only a few day ago, as well. Hope it was a great one.

  2. Sorry about that, man. Hope you get things sorted out soon.
  3. @Fervis Thanks for the update, man. Miraidon seems to be working. However, I get an error when sending out Koraidon now. I've attached it below.
  4. @Fervis Here's the screenshot of Miraidon's error. Upon further testing, it only happens with moves that do direct damage; moves like Metal Sound and Mirror Coat work correctly. And just to be clear: Koraidon's ability wasn't throwing back an error, it just wasn't triggering when it's sent out. I was fighting on Route 3, for what it's worth. Thanks for the quick reply. If you need me to test further, please let me know.
  5. A couple of bugs I ran into: Miraidon was giving me an error every time I used one of its moves. Koriadon's Ability was not changing the weather to sunny when sent out in battle. Thanks again for creating this mod, man. I look forward to seeing it in its polished form one day.
  6. Sorry if this is a stupid question, but is there a download for just the Gen 8 and 9 Pokémon? Without Gigantamax and the alt forms, and so on. I just don’t want my game to explode out of control if I update this version.
  7. I’ve noticed the same thing. I used the password to switch off EV gains and haven’t had a problem since.
  8. That would be why. Get yourself the full game, dude.
  9. Probably a mis-click. The sad face is right next to Upvote.
  10. Hey, yall. I'm interesting in this mod, but I don't fully understand how it works and I'm try to avoid spoilers (for this and Reborn). Is this best played with a new game, or does it take place after Reborn's postgame?
  11. I can't help you, and I'm sorry, but I just wanted to say your question in conjunction with your profile picture is hilarious.
  12. I would move your character to a zone that isn't affected by it (like the Opal Ward, for instance), and then delete the two files that come with this mod. If someone knows a better way, please correct me.
  13. I can’t help you, but I just wanted to say that I’m getting this issue too and have reported it. It seems to be a glitch with the most recent patch, so you’re not alone.
  14. Hey, everyone. I'm playing Reborn on a Mac, so I have to manually download the patches. Windows has a feature where you can hold the "ALT" key and push the contents of a copied folder to any folders of the same name for simplicity, rather than opening each individual folder and replacing the contents manually. Is there a way to do that on Mac as well?
  15. See you all up ahead. We’ll be arriving somewhere… but not here…
  16. @Amethyst That worked. I still had to right click and open it manually, but it seems to be running. I found this video on how to circumvent the "application ___ can't be opened" issue. Hopefully this sheds some light on what the underlying cause is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9TtoOJjGpU Let Cass know I said "thank you", as well.
  17. @AmethystIt's all good. Apple released a new OS last week, but I was waiting to upgrade so the bugs could get worked out. I'll download the update in the next few days and let you know how Starlight does.
  18. @Amethyst It doesn't want to load anything for me. Here's another screenshot. My OS is Catalina v10.15.7, just so you know. And don't stress over this too much, I can wait for a fix.
  19. @AmethystNo dice. I know what you mean about the "unidentified Developers", but this is different. It's acting like the file is just not compatible. I've attached a screenshot.
  20. Hey there. I've downloaded the Mac version of Starlight, but I can't start the game. I get a pop-up that says "The application 'Game' can't be opened". Any help would be appreciated.
  21. They look great. Thank you for all of the hard work and time you're putting into this.
  22. Thank you for looking into this. It could get very frustrating to keep missing dialogue and then having to go look it up later. Always good to see Reborn moving forward.
  23. TwilightCoda

    18.3 beta

    Thanks for all of your hard work, Cass. I spent about 3 days researching and testing ways to run Reborn on my Mac back in 2018. I'm so glad I won't have to go through all of that again for E19.
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