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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by TwilightCoda

  1. Hey y'all. This question has been on my mind ever since I first played this game back in 2015, but I always forgot to ask it... Does anyone know if some inspiration for this game is based off of the plot from Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door? There are several parallels in between these games: Several items made of magical crystal need to be collected by a person / persons in order to open / reseal a buried chamber containing a great and ancient power. The area that the player uses as a hub is a seedy, crime ridden city built upon the destroyed ruins of the civilization that came before it. The evil group wants to awaken the ancient power and use it to shape the world to their needs. Finally, and coincidentally, Jirachi also awakens every 1,000 years to grant someone a wish. If you have read the prophecy that the fortune teller recites to you, you should understand this point. I'm sure there are more links between the stories, but it's been years since I've played that game. Anyway, what do you all think? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
  2. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
  3. @wcv It's all good. I was expecting more than one response.
  4. @wcv Siragon told me basically the same thing, just in a much more passive aggressive way. Most of the things listed have already been logistically figured out, it's just a matter of implementation. Regardless, the scoreboard and hype thread are up, so I'll stop speculating and start watching. Here's to Ep19!
  5. All aboard! The last train is leaving the station; we will be arriving somewhere...but not here. And "thank you" to Amethyst and all other devs for working on this game over the years, it's been an awesome journey. Godspeed.
  6. Did she really remove it? Haha.
  7. @wcv @Zander People were saying that Ep18 would take a long time too and that got done in about seven months, even with Amethyst leaving the country for six weeks and another five or so weeks of slow progress due to her housing situation. If nothing like that happens during Ep19's progress, coupled with the fact that the AI and new Pokemon have been implemented, and that she has assistance with the mapping and side quests now, I can't see this taking more than 4-5 months to finish. Maybe February at the latest.
  8. @Millianne157 I'm thinking that once Ep19 drops, that will be it from Amethyst for Reborn, not taking into account any game-breaking bugs found in the Public release. If she were to keep updating it to account for new Pokemon / forms, she would have to keep recruiting people to sprite them, gather game data for them, and implement them into the structure the game already has, which could require moving other things around in the process and potentially making a mess. My guess is that she will leave it up to the modders and players to add what they deem necessary, although the Online play will stay set for everything through Gen 7.
  9. @Bella the Eevee ~ @SgtNoobly I think it’s just a joke. There’s apparently some sort of love/hate relationship between Amethyst and Budew.
  10. Hey, buddy! Those people were right: Reborn is an excellent game. It’s also a very challenging game; if you ever need any help, there is no shortage of articles people on these forums that will be willing to help you, myself included. Have fun!
  11. T H I S I S N O T T H E I N T R O D U C T I O N Y O U’ R E L O O K I N G F O R
  12. @TheTGU That may have something to do with it, but when has Reborn ever been so straightforward?
  13. @sdddf4 The same idea crossed my mind, but I don't see why that would be her motive. An even more likely scenario is that she wants to create a world where she can make everyone play with her forever (as per other theories about her). I don't like this thought either, because it's such a radical departure from the otherwise intense and tragic tone that the game has displayed so far.
  14. Hey, everyone. I looked around on the forums for a topic like this, but couldn’t find one. So, here goes: What exactly is Lin’s plan? She mysterious. Cool. She’s extremely powerful. Cool. She’s always three steps ahead of us. Cool. But what exactly is at stake? From what she’s said in previous interactions, it doesn’t seem like the world would be destroyed, or that people who are currently it would cease to exist if she wins and creates the “New World”. It seems like most of the desire to stop her comes from things she’s done in the past to our allies, rather than from a desire to stop her from creating the future that she wants. I’d love to hear your thoughts and theories!
  15. @vava4429 Probably tomorrow or Thursday, definitely by Friday. Patience, buddy. We'll get there.
  16. @CommanderThis may be an ignorant question, but were you implying that the main story will be finished in Ep18, and that 19 is the "Epilogue", if you will?
  17. Yeah, I got it. Thanks. I didn’t train any of the other Pokémon, so I should be good to go from here
  18. I had the same problem. Do you want send me a request? My ID is Chameleon109.
  19. Thanks, man! What’s your username?
  20. Hey everyone. *Light Spoilers* I'm in the middle of the quest that Arclight gives you where you have to return the Pokemon to their owners. The only problem is that McKrezzy won't accept his, since I trained it up to know Magnitude and Power Gem for Teknite Cave. Can someone either trade me an original Roggenrola or use the attached file to send it from there? (It's already in my party). Thanks, guys! Temp.rxdata
  21. @Lorisaur It’s all good, buddy.
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