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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by TwilightCoda

  1. ...to catch you wearing wires underneath your heart...” Hey y’all. I had a question about the AI for anyone who knows about such things. My question is this: is the AI able to read the stats of the pokemon that it goes up against? For instance, if I had a Goldeen with Lightning Rod, would the AI automatically know that and never use an Electric move, even though any human opponent wouldn’t be aware of that until they tried to use one, and fail, first? Thanks in advance!
  2. @Dante-K Sorry, bud. Just saw your post now. Yes, I did. Thanks for checking!
  3. Hey, buddy. Reborn is way ahead in the polls for me at the moment, contested only by Zeta and Omicron. I've played Omicron before. It's good, but it doesn't hold a candle to Reborn, in my opinion. Reborn is much more challenging, though.
  4. @Zero1Six Sounds good, buddy. I'll keep an eye on this thread. Let me know when you're ready to go.
  5. Ready when you are. My ID is "Chameleon109". Also, sorry for posting on your other status; I wasn't aware I was talking to the same person.
  6. Sure thing. Do you have a particular starter that you want?
  7. Hey there! I'm unfamiliar with the trading system. Should I just enter your name in the "Request Trade" box if I set up a trade with you?
  8. Hey everyone! I'm in the process of starting a special run of Reborn and would like to kick it off with a Gible. I will be able to trade any starter. If you're willing to trade, let me know. Thanks!
  9. Wow, thanks a bunch everyone! I'll put this into practice right away.
  10. ...a spectre from the next life breathes his fog on the pane..." Good morning, fellow East Coasters. And hello to the rest of you, as well. I'm coming back to Reborn after a while of being away, and I'm looking to start again. I remember having some serious difficulties in my last playthrough, to the extent that I felt like I was being completely excluded from the Field Effect system, except until it was used against me to deadly effect. I'm not a beginner at Pokemon, but I need some expert help on how to team-build, both for individual creatures and within the larger scope of a six man team. Should I try to gather Pokemon from as many types as possible, or should I trim it down to a thinner range of types, while still remaining versatile? How many attackers should I have compared to defenders? How can I make my team influence and counter field effects consistently? I'll get this party started and say that I'm leaning towards either a Protean Greninja, or a Speed Boost Blaziken for a starter. I'm looking forward to what you all have to say, please let me know of any questions you have.
  11. What's up, people. I have a quick question about saved games: I moved the full EP17 Reborn game folder and all of the saved games over to a USB stick earlier today, but the game wouldn't recognize that any games were saved. Is there any way to redirect where it looks for saved games? Thanks in advance!
  12. Good morning, everyone. I've been away from this game for some time, but have been lurking on this site, watching the development unfold. I have a question: as of now (Episode 17), how close is the story to being fully implemented? I understand that the full game will be about 20 Episodes, but I don't want to jump back into playing and get hooked, only to find that I'm still a good ways away from the "final showdown", so to speak. For reference, my file is saved right at the beginning of Episode 10, I believe;
  13. Oh, yes. I'm checking every rock I see. Thanks for the tips, everyone. I've also caught wind of some Aron living down in the tunnels...
  14. Hey y'all. I started Reborn a couple of days ago and am currently making my way through the slums in Obsidia for the first time. I'm not a novice Pokemon player, but I'm also not savvy with the more IV/EV/competitive side of things that Reborn requires for the tougher battles, either. What I'd like to ask of you guys is to maybe toss a tip, strategy, or potential good Pokemon or item location my way, based off of where I am now (beginning of Episode 2). Just be vague with more specific things, such as "you can get *THIS* exact Pokemon in *THAT* exact location; I like to do the thinking and exploring myself. Thanks in advance. My team so far: Quilava (Blaze) Lvl: 23 (Tackle, Ember, Smokescreen, Flame Wheel) Noibat (Infiltrator) Lvl: 20 (Wing Attack, Screech, Gust, Bite)
  15. Nice. Thanks for the replies, everyone. This looks like a cool place.
  16. I hope I'm posting in the right place... Hey, everyone. I know my profile says I'm new, but I've been around for about a year, just checking stuff out. I have a question, and I'm not being pushy, just curious: How many more episodes are planned to go into Reborn? They've been at it for quite some time. Thanks in advance.
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