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7 Fledgling

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About braulio

  • Birthday 06/03/1993

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    UTC +8 Philippines

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  1. hello am returning from long hiatus of not playing. last time i played was ep16 i think (before gen 7) what're the biggest things i've missed and should backtrack to earlier areas for? havent entered the tourmaline desert yet so no spoilers pls!
  2. Happy birthday 🎂 hope it's a good one and that your doing well

  3. Happy birthday, thanks for all the help you've given me over the months

  4. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 🙂🍰

  5. looked in the files. look what i found:
  6. thanks guys. was honestly hoping for a lot more when it came to these shinies. the xatu reminds me of the sacred native american smoking pipe - the chanunpa. what do you guys think green or orange?
  7. does anyone have pics of shiny xatu & dragonite? am gonna breed those two and am considering whether or not to go the extra mile & shiny breed them
  8. @xernash & @soo3e hey guys just had to take care of some irl stuff but i've got ll the 5iv stuff for free. have many gligar & horsea please tell me if you want male or female and are looking for natures. have boxes full of them so they're free only have 1 male shroomish left but i can breed more. no need to give me anything in return but if you have some fun stuff that you think i might like that'd be nice
  9. yes i give gligar horsea & shroomish 5iv for free. message me soon will be online again in around 8 hours
  10. hey sorry i was out this week. i have vulpix w/ 6iv heat wave, hypnosis, flare blitz, hex can also do growlithe if you need with morning sun & close combat (can 1-shot tyranitar w/ adamant nature max attack)
  11. nice! really need those. let's do it. your trade id is candy right?
  12. can i interest you in a 6iv female horsea? :))
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