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Everything posted by braulio

  1. hello am returning from long hiatus of not playing. last time i played was ep16 i think (before gen 7) what're the biggest things i've missed and should backtrack to earlier areas for? havent entered the tourmaline desert yet so no spoilers pls!
  2. looked in the files. look what i found:
  3. thanks guys. was honestly hoping for a lot more when it came to these shinies. the xatu reminds me of the sacred native american smoking pipe - the chanunpa. what do you guys think green or orange?
  4. does anyone have pics of shiny xatu & dragonite? am gonna breed those two and am considering whether or not to go the extra mile & shiny breed them
  5. @xernash & @soo3e hey guys just had to take care of some irl stuff but i've got ll the 5iv stuff for free. have many gligar & horsea please tell me if you want male or female and are looking for natures. have boxes full of them so they're free only have 1 male shroomish left but i can breed more. no need to give me anything in return but if you have some fun stuff that you think i might like that'd be nice
  6. yes i give gligar horsea & shroomish 5iv for free. message me soon will be online again in around 8 hours
  7. hey sorry i was out this week. i have vulpix w/ 6iv heat wave, hypnosis, flare blitz, hex can also do growlithe if you need with morning sun & close combat (can 1-shot tyranitar w/ adamant nature max attack)
  8. nice! really need those. let's do it. your trade id is candy right?
  9. can i interest you in a 6iv female horsea? :))
  10. @Candy no only outrage @StarryDreamerKitten can i get the clefairy, dratinin, & digglet then? in exchange for shiny gligar, drilbur, & skorupi (btw both drilbur & skorupi female w/ x on spatk)
  11. ready what's your trade id? siddhanta?
  12. @StarryDreamerKitten no prob. just know that i'm UTC+8 / EST+12 (for reference it's 10:40pm when i sent this) will try to be online tomorrow @HUEnd gotcha! might not be online on sat though but will try. can definitely be on sunday @S.paul i got your nosepass man
  13. sure man would you prefer 19 atk for less damage from foul play? or 28 atk
  14. yeah i just keep sending them out in hopes that they end up woth a trainer who'll use them. just tell me when ready
  15. awesome i'm good with all of those. also take a free 5iv horsea while you're at it! i ended up with 2 boxes of them
  16. ahhh yeah you're right. it's okay then in a pokeball
  17. also @StarryDreamerKitten did you want the shiny gligar? @S.paul do you want the nosepass w/ x in spatk or one with x in hp? both modest nature
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