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Everything posted by braulio

  1. @StarryDreamerKitten btw the sigilyph is male but it's def is 30 so it's almost perfect. hope that's okay. in exchange i would like: clefairy (hopefully it's in a moonball cuz it's the one of the only pokemon that is easily caught in it) dratini female digglett female tangela female what balls are those in? @S.paul i'd be fool to pass up that porygonZ. you got a deal.
  2. hmm what do you have that aren't in regular pokeballs?
  3. HI GUYS!!! I'm back with some major improvements to the store so come on by and check it out!!!
  4. QUICK POST: (will update the store in a bit) Just got a new batch of 6iv mons: eevee, horsea, gastly, fletchling, lapras, & vulpix also have 5iv shinies of all those except fletchling & lapras, + 5iv shiny litwick & gligar other 5ivs: houndour, gligar, nidoran-m, tailow, nosepass, skorupi (competetive ivs) shroomish, froakie, poliwag, trevenant, larvesta, darumaka, mudkip, ralts, & dwebble (x in random stat)
  5. @StarryDreamerKitten just bred some new pokes so i got both 6iv / 5iv+shiny of: eevee, horsea, gastly, fletchling(no shiny), lapras(no shiny), & vulpix if you're interested
  6. dude, you already bred me one and traded it to me xD thanks a lot btw i named the nidoran starrydreamer
  7. Hey guys, just got back from a 3-day bender @Eventide XYZ sure i can make you a 5iv chespin and i still have fome 4-5iv shiny eevees. let me work on the chespin and pm with anything you can offer in return @Alphagar yeah man i wasn't kidding when i said i had a lot of eevees hahaha enjoy them :))
  8. no that can't be done, i've tried. you need a female to pass the pokeball down.
  9. pokeballs > ivs as i can fix those myself. luxury/dusk/premier ball for zubat dusk/premier/level ball for venipede i think crogunk can only be obtained in regular pokeball
  10. sorry was doing a thing will send the request. as for poison types: venipede, zubat, crogunk. i wanna get a 'gym team' going
  11. 5iv x in atk jolly w/ fake out, ice shard, icicle crash, & pursuit. can breed a more competitive one if necessary if you want the 6iv eevee you're gonna have to give me something of pretty equal value. i've been looking for a 6iv male cacnea. if you can get me that i'll give you 6iv eevee + 6iv fletchling
  12. you can also make a request anything from the field, water1&3, flying, amorphous, monster, bug, & fairy egg groups i can breed 5iv within the hour. might i interest you in a sneasel that just hatched yesterday? :))
  13. that's too much and i don't have 2 6iv shinies. will give you 1 4iv shiny & 1 5iv regular eevee
  14. @SoulSlayer you can have 2 what you need?
  15. yeah i can take the drilbur & the chansey, pretty fair trade for any of my mons here. whatchu want for them?
  16. @Len ok i'll take the treavenant & hoppip then. are you online now?
  17. sure! you have anything else besides trevenant? i got a couple trevenants from you from wonder trade the other day haha
  18. @SoulSlayer only lookin for even trades w/ the 6iv mons. i have a lot of 5iv mons that aren't getting used and i can breed practically anything with 5ivs (x in random stat - x in a specific stat may take longer haha) so if you need one of them you can just send me any old thing @Alphagar i'm looking for a 6iv male cacnea tho - it's for breeding in the plant & human-like egg groups. if that seems too hard you can just send me any 5iv mon you happen to breed up BOTH: if you can find me, a female drilubur in a dusk/ultra/premier ball you can have anything you want in exchange other mons i don't have yet include a good: slowpoke, dratini, chansey, & foongus also i really like poison types
  19. @Zarc he has plenty of attack even at jolly nature. he needs make speed to OS. adamant leaves him vulnerable (in showdown play) to fast special sweepers that he can destroy w/ jolly @Ris alright lemme go work on it. i'll pm you when done.
  20. can't get razor claw for you. that'll have to wait til even after you can obtain sneasel
  21. have to disagree. at max speed he outspeeds some stuff that only a few other mons can too
  22. jolly + life orb for sure
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