you need waterfall in the big ice mountain. he's pretty late in the game (for good reason) but i was fortunate enough to get one after the first gym thanks to wonder trade. if that sounds pretty far i can probably breed you up one
i use a weavile and it wrecks shit left and right. it's at a very interesting speed tier which let's it outspeed a lot of common threats (i.e. gengar) plus has access to priority moves like ice shard and fake out. it's typing imo is just better offensively. slap a life orb on that baby and watch it one shot anything that's weak to it.
yeah they're expensive. i accidentally bought an extra power weight (the hp item) so i can send it to you with the skrelp. no one's askin for it anyway so it'll be waiting for you
Finally, after 4 days of intensive breeding & hatching, I have acquired a 5iv shiny Eevee and on my birthday nonetheless. Thanks you Arceus. Thank you Satan. Happy birthday to me :)
Also the name is a reference to Jack Skellington's ghost dog.
okay i've developed something of a technique for hatching & breeding that i'm quite proud of
you'll need all the items plus a pokemon w/ flamebody that knows fly (or flamebody and something else w/ teleport - i used to use it before fly) so as to maximize the number of eggs in your party. there are two of these: fletchinder/talonflame & volcorona. if you need one i have spare fletchlings & larvesta
first thing: generate at least 4 eggs. do random shit. return to daycare. pick up egg then carry it straight to the pc til you have enough to almost fill your party leave one space empty.
then have the flaming flyer in your party or the flamer & teleporter. carry as many eggs as you can but leave that one space free. fly/bike all the way to beryl bridge (the way to get there will get easier as you repeat & get used to it).
make a couple laps back and forth on the bridge. minimum 3 laps. then port/fly back to daycare. if the pokemon are slow to breed you can make like 5 but by time you return you want there to be an egg waiting for you. if there's no egg just go back to the bridge and hope there's one next time.
if you stick the new egg in the pc and return to beryl brige all the eggs in your party should hatch at the SAME TIME then just go back to the day care, pick up a new set of eggs and repeat.
w/ fly and once you get a little used to it you should be able to hatch 4 eggs in 5-7 minutes.
also the number of laps really depends on 2 things: how long it takes for the species of pokemon to hatch and how fast the parents breed.
it seems a little complicated now that i typed it out but it works wonders for me. hope it helps.
shouldn't take long w/ a 5iv male & a 6iv female. destiny knot + power item of whatever the male's x stat is. then just common candy both back to lv 1 so you can still trade them :))
@Alphagar you have anything on you w/ 5ivs?
@StarryDreamerKitten just take it w/ the gligar & shroomish since they'll probably only be 5iv each and i really want that 6iv marill.
@Alphagar great! would really dig a canea, timburr, vuallaby, or riolu in exchange
@StarryDreamerKitten don't need a talonflame or both m & f marills so just the 6 iv f marill & the nidoran for gligar/shrromish & hippo
you mind taking the hippo w/ x in spatk & 30 atk? it's parctically 5iv haha
let me breed you up a nice gligar & shroomish. should be ready by tomorrow
awesome glad one of them found a good home! i bred them with charm specifically so it would be easy to evolve into sylveon
also yes tyrunts are in the game. can i interest you in a good skrelp? have a shiny w/ 4ivs (x in atk 28 in speed)
sweet!!!! lemme offer a 6iv adamant fletchling, 6iv timid eevee, or a 5iv shiny eevvee w/ x in spdef
alternatively i can breed you up a 6iv gastly or various other mons
i can probably trade on sat cuz i'm kinda "busy with life" too
@Ronan Erudon see now if i could only breed nidorina i could make a better one... but you can't...
or is it still a nidoran???
but if you ain't gonna use it i guess yu want a 5iv eevee in exchange? i've been breeding for a shiny w/ competitive ivs for days now and i got eevees up the wazzoo
or i could give you that shiny axew that's just been sitting in my pc for ages waiting for some kind trainer to adopt him :))
because when i envision myself as a pokemon trainer i like imagining different pokeballs hanging from my belt :))
i also just think pokeball inheritance is a cool addition in gen 6. i'll admit it's a bit of a fixation but i just don't like the concept of carrying around 6 basic pokeballs when there are so many cool designs out there. aesthetics count to me haha
it's like, if i have a black florgres, i want it in a black pokeball just so it matches.
I also think it adds a personal touch - like remembering how i first caught this species of mon
UPDATE: ***Now in Stock: 5IV EEVEE's & 4IV SHINY EEVEE's*** All Timid nature w/ x in Atk - Male & Female
Some of the best shinies in the game now available for trade!
Don't have anything to trade? No problem! just pm me and get a 4iv regular eevee for free!!!
Ever wonder what the shiny eeveelutions look like? look no further:
just added some 5iv mons to the list above:
NOSEPASS - 31/31/31/xx/31/31 - female - modest nature - w/ stealth rock
FLETCHLING - 31/31/31/31/xx/31 - male & female - adamant nature (both)
now offering fletchlings!! all w/ adamant nature & at least 5ivs - some even viable for competitive play!!!
also on offer some nosepass's that i got from wonder trade
how about a male w/ modest nature? will ease my breeding process when i get that female
or a rotom cuz every competitive battler needs a good rotom
see anything from my mons that you like?