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About SoulSlayer

  • Birthday 03/23/2000

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    The Void
  • Interests
    Games, Music, Anime, Guys, and CATS!

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  1. @ShadowStar Oh my god it's Monokuma
  2. I think this is something to look up on the internet or ask your parents/friends/etc. Not asking strangers on a gaming forums.....Just my opinion though.
  3. Ican't remember who to @ to so this thread gets close but please close this if anyone sees and can close threads
  4. I figured haha, thanks so much!
  5. I've said many times I don't care about EV's/IV's/Ability/Nature/Moves/ All I want are Gyarados and if either of you don't have those then some magikarp. I need 2 for a battle strategy in game so I can beat the guy.
  6. Im not caring about it being perfect if you have gyra I'd rather have those XDD or arey ou giving me magikarps too? My ID is SoulSlayer or Zeloria I cant remember which it actually is supposed to be. I will be in waiting
  7. Alright sweet, if you need them back I can return them just using them for 1 fight strategy
  8. I want 2 Gyarados but if people don't have those I'd take 2 Magikarps. So 2 Gyarados if you have them
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