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About ISNorden

  • Birthday 01/15/1969

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    Ingeborg S. Nordén
  • Gender
  • Location
    Madison, WI, USA
  • Interests
    game design, fan fiction, worldbuilding, Nordic languages/culture, classic TV (1970S), plush collecting, ancient history, mythology, folklore, digital art

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  1. I had recently earned the Diamond Punvh Badge from Keta's ghost, and completed Karrina's gang-busting quest for good measure. When I returned to the abandoned sewers, though, Amanda was nowhere in sight. Not being able to challenge her means no third badge; I searched the whole blasted sewer for Amanda to no avail. What might I have done/omitted to stop her from appearing? (I deleted the savefile and started from scratch, as a last resort.) EDITED TO ADD: If the one I'm supposed to fight is the schoolgirl who keeps talking about cuteness and bullying -- I can't avoid her on the first trip through, and the game doesn't allow rematches with the same trainer. Will I need the new savefile fixed after I earn the Diamond Punch badge?
  2. Downloaded the scripts and installed them,,,running a game in "blatant Mary Sue traiber" mode. After getting my virtual butt kicked by Butterfree in the mid-teen levels, it was time for some godmoding without those annoying NPCs or (non-rift) Nirvana map. The SuperGen Trio.zip
  3. Gemini won't install or run on my PC (64-bit version of Win10). How else can I simply enable Debug mode without the game's .rxproj file?
  4. Thanks a million; here's hoping my old mystery-gift files work with that script! (Gotta save my dream team somehow...)
  5. I recently downloaded a Solar Light/Lunar Dark hack by a YouTuber called "The Cool Kid". who's added built-in debug menus/god modes to several Pokémon Essentials fan-games. Here's a link to my copy (less ad-hassle than the page where The Cool Kid is hosting it himself) -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1axo1tWTVlFzFfz-CGLNGruW4xpWM14NB Enjoy!
  6. Stuck in front of the locked door on the second floor of the Mysterious Mansion ... how the [bleep] do I unlock that thing, if it's possible at all?
  7. Have any modders who've coded debug-mode scripts for Rejuvenation before, created one that works with the latest version of the game yet? I miss having my favorite 'mon and can't transfer the version 11 ones forward.
  8. Will a v12-compatible update ever become available?
  9. Is there a current mod/modpack that allows debug-menu access from inside version 11? I used to re-create my favorite teams with KisuoX's debug mod, but Rejuvenation has changed so much that the mod now crashes the game.
  10. The newest download link I can find for Rejuv here is for v10; please tell me where to get version 11!
  11. All I can find on the forums is a link to 10.2; am I missing something?
  12. I finally got RMXP and the latest Essentials to run together on my PC. Before I try designing a brand-new fangame, though, I thought of tweaking some existing favorites. The easiest debug-mode tweak I've tried so far is adding items and Pokémon as Mystery Gifts; now I want to enable them for players who don't have debug mode handy. How would I do each of these -- Turn Mystery Gift access on when the trainer has cleared the first gym, and notify the player that they've unlocked gifts for the first time (without introducing a separate NPC; the posted questionnaire/delivery guy in the Mart should do the job). Make sure that any Pokémon awarded as Mystery Gifts get the current player data (name, gender, ID numbers) for the original trainer by default. In debug mode, any Mystery Gift with even one preset stat keeps my "playtest character" as the OT; is there a way around this that won't leave my friends stuck with single-digit IV's on a 30th level Lucario?
  13. Any chance of Jangmo-o's line returning as an event Pokémon in next version? I miss those guys and feel guilty about modding them back into my copy.
  14. I looked all over the Amethyst Grotto in version 10 -- lots of Dunsparce and Blitzle, but no Happiny in sight. Were they axed, or are the odds of finding a Happiny in Amethyst Grotto just embarrassingly small?
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