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Everything posted by Superman

  1. i would love them ! When can u trade?
  2. Not at all! If u have some egg moves it would be appreciated but not neccesary. What can i trade you for a dratini?
  3. Hi all! i am new in the game and i love it!I would love though to get some of my favourite pokemon in shiny forms for my team, some are just too hard to catch in shiny forms. These are the shinies i have and offer. (info; i got 99% of them myself, the rest are from trading and wonder trading) Shiny Pokemon Mamoswine level 48, Corphish level 9, Noibat level 25, Tangela level 1, Sandshrew level 24, Seedot level 1, Porygon-Z level 40, Murkrow level 25, Swellow level 35, Weepinbell level 38, Foongus level 30, Klink level 31, Sewaddle level 19, Combee (female) level 48, Butterfree level 56, Weavile level 59. I am looking for these shinies; Dratini, Axew, Goomy, Teddiursa, Omanyte, Lapras, Tyrunt, Gible, Abra, Tentacool, Eevee, Scyther, Squirtle, Zoroark, Riolu, Feebas(+prism scale), Zangoose, Bulbasaur. Most of all i want Dratini, my favourite pokemon of all time ! I am willing to trade my starter for it (Shiny Charizard level 58, male, solar power). I only ask for the pokemon to be generally low level (<10) because i will probably enter it in my team and i want to raise it. I am also open to offers. Anyone interested?
  4. thanks. i got a helix fossil finally and i am soft reseting on a new mining rock now. What about jaw fossil? I need to keep my helix fossil to join the cult or i can revive it?
  5. Hi all. I have harvested about 15 rocks and no fossils yet. Am i doing something wrong? I am in the point of the game where i am searching for El with the castle guy. We dropped to a cave and i saved next to a mining rock. Questions; 1. Do the rocks reform? If so how/when? 2. If they drop fossils do they all drop the same ones? I know gen6 fossils are acquired later in the game if i have the helix fossil. And i also know how to get the plume fossil.
  6. haha i got like 5 from the wondertrade some minutes ago
  7. my favourite kind! ok how do i find u? or i go and wait?
  8. whhhhhhhhhat! what do u want for it?!?!?!?!?!?!
  9. sorry for double post but while i was hunting metal coats a shiny voltorb just selfdestructed. yay.
  10. thanks !!! One last thing, does anyone have a information about sneasel (...and razor claw)? i love weavile and i would love to get one soon for my main team
  11. ah thanks a lot! Last question, is the Onix found in those places u said event or wild? so i can see if i will shiny hunt it or not. Also is it a lot further along? (i am in 4rth gym, Shade)
  12. What is the chance to get one from magnemite??? Same as main series?
  13. Thanks for the answers. Metal Coat is far from where i am? (gym 4) Also is Scizor available?
  14. Hey all! New guy here and lost in forums for answers. (i am at the point where i just beat Shade in the game) 1) Best place to get heart scales? I havent unlocked the tutor yet but i need many moves. Does it work like the main series? I mean can i teach my piloswine ancientpower even though he never knew it? 2)I use onix and i am at a point where i don't have a metal coat but i have a link stone, should i evolve him or steelix is crap and i should just use another pokemon? (also is there another place to get onix? because i would love a shiny one) 3) Pokemon to look out for? My Team is Charizard, Dewgong, Arbok, Buterfree, Onix and Swinub. I have murkrow and noibat in shiny forms, i semi use them and love them but they are a bitch to level up. I love Weavile, Lapras, Ditto, Dragon, Ice and Dark pokemon generally. I also got from trades porygon Z, torchic, ralts, treecko, chespin, eevee and larvesta but i feel i would be cheating if i use them (i used porygon Z and it was really great) i want my first run to be "legit". 4)The trainers in grand hall, do they change or can i fight them as much as i want??? I ask about some pokemon because i dont want to look at a guide and spoil myself about the plot. Thanks in advance!
  15. thanks to all here for the replies, i am enjoying the game ! I have 4 shinies (2 from soft reseting charmander and murkrow and 2 randoms, butterfree and noibat). If anyone knows, whats up with tms? Are they rare or just they are nowhere to be found? because for some pokemon some tms are mandatory to work fine
  16. ok, do u need my username? when are we trading? or do i trade you?
  17. Sure thing! PorygonZ larvesta and magikarp are good to me. I havent done the online trading thing (only wondertrade). How does it work? i log in and send u something to your username?
  18. Hey all! I begun the game some days ago and have 4 shinies and i am trading 3 of them! All are caught in nature the plain old way! Here is their info; Butterfree lvl 32 Compound Eyes, pokeball, timid (silver wind, psybeam, poisonpowder, sleeppowder) nickname Calypso Noibat lvl 25 Telepathy, pokeball, quiet (Bite, Screech, Supersonic, Air Cutter) nickname Hades Sandshrew lvl 24 Sand Veil, greatball, quiet (Magnitude, Swift, Fury Swipes, Sand Tomb) I am looking for other shinies, or a non-shiny with perfect IVs. Also. i want the pokemon to be below level 10. Generally i prefer dark, ice, psychic and especially dragon and steel pokemon. But bargains are part of the deal and i am open. My goal is to get some shiny pokemon to use on my main team. (this is my first post about trading so if i made some mistake on the format or anything else i apologize!) EDIT: Sneasel, eevee and dragon pokemon are appreciated!
  19. thanks a lot for the answer mate, however the link in the first post doesnt work i cant download the weather change thingy!
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